Patricia Joyce patricia at caea.com
Mon Apr 1 09:59:11 EST 2002

~~~~~~~~~~ e-drive ~~~~~~~~~~

WORKSHOP:Corporeal Mime

No one gets stuck inside a box

Movement theatre classes based on the teachings of Etienne Decroux, founder
of modern mime.   This physical class gives the actor the skills to move
with precision, control, and clarity.  A universal technique, Corporeal Mime
gives the actor concrete physical tools to use in improvisation,
workshopping, and performance.

A mime class where you can speak up
Victoria Goring is Artistic Director of Urban Spine, which specializes in
physical theatre, such as 'Sooz' 'Lie With Me', and 'Run'.  Victoria has
choreographed and taught movement extensively for theatre and film in
Toronto and New York City.

Wednesdays 7-9 pm
April 10-May 29
CAEA discount $120 (Regularily $135)
to register/information Info:  Victoria Goring 416-361-1548

WORKSHOP: Stage Combat-Swordplay

Learn all the techniques of stage combat (armed) with safety, precision, and

This physical class quickly teaches you all you need to know about
swordwork; a small class, the level of difficulty can easily be adjusted.
Advanced and beginner students both welcome.

Fridays 7-9 May 3-24
CAEA discount $95 (regularily $100)

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