Kaethe Yanovsky kaethe at caea.com
Mon Aug 12 12:47:03 EDT 2002


Mixed Company is currently seeking male actors who can play teens
between the ages of 14 and 19.

Mixed Company specialises in issue-based interactive theatre (i.e.Forum

The tour will be for 10 weeks this fall to schools throughout the GTA.
Rehearsals will begin August 26 and the tour will run until the first
week of December.  Strong improvisational skills are an asset.
Interested actors should call and book an audition at 416-515-8080 and
talk to Tamara or Vanessa as soon as possible or fax a picture and
resume to 416-515-1832: Auditions are being held on the morning of
Thursday, August 15 with callbacks on Friday, August 16, and Saturday,
August 17. 

Equity members will be seen first at all open audition calls. Equity
cast in this production will be engaged under an Equity form of
CAEA members: please bring your membership card to the audition.

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