Kaethe Yanovsky kaethe at caea.com
Mon Dec 9 11:30:19 EST 2002


Improvisation Level One Workshop
Impatients Training Level 1 Improv class to start Sunday, Dec. 15.
Impatients Training is unlike any other improv training program in
Canada. It is an intensive study of the foundations of improvisation.
Unlike other approaches to improv teaching, Impatients Training is
aggressive in its instruction, pushing its students to learn and
discover the best within themselves. Perfect for the working actor.

Our improvisation series covers scenic improv, longform improv for
performance, character, story structure and more. Emphasis is placed on
empowering the individual improviser, "finding the game" in scenes, and
developing narrative in an ensemble setting through dramatic action.
By studying with Impatients Training you will:

DISCOVER your own power as a performer
MASTER the art of longform improv
OPEN your mind to more exciting choices
BUILD UPON your existing training

Impatients Training offers discounts to CAEA and ACTRA members and
Impatients Training Level 1 Improv
Sundays from 3-6 p.m.; 8 weeks, Dec. 15. - Feb. 9 ( no class Dec. 29)
Location: The SPACE, 498 Dupont St., 2nd Floor, Toronto
Instructor: Lucy Eveleigh, The Impatients
This course introduces the student to the fundamental methods and
concepts of the Impatients approach to improvisation: focusing on the
individual, emphasizing character, initiation, point of view, supportive
performance and object work. Students are also introduced to the
concepts and development of themes and patterns in improvisation. Unlike
other introductory courses, this course emphasizes the development of
the individual performer.

Registration: $175 or $150 CAEA/ACTRA (including apprentices)
GST is included in the cost of registration.
Register online:  <http://www.impatients.com/training>

Please note our classes cannot be audited.

Please direct all responses and inquiries directly to the theatre or
association listed in the e-drive notice. 

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