Patricia Joyce patricia at caea.com
Thu Feb 21 12:57:04 EST 2002


to:    Toronto arts community
re:    city of Toronto budget process

Does your City Councillor know that the arts matter to you?

If you answered no - we think it's time to change that.  Call him or her up,
send an email, fax a letter - tell your Councillor that you think the way to
pull this city out of decline is through stronger commitment to the arts.
Between now and March 4, the more often Councillors hear from arts
supporters, the less comfortable they will be in withholding resources from
the arts community.

The City budget process is nearing its end; final decisions will be made at
Council meeting on March 4, 5 & 6.

To date, Toronto Arts Council's budget submission has been considered by the
Consolidated Grants Sub-committee and the Budget Advisory Committee.  In
both cases, no increase was recommended, despite the fact that most other
city budgets have been given a 1.9% cost of living increase.  In the end, if
no increase is granted to TAC, its grant will have decreased by over
$1,000,000 in real terms since amalgamation.  That's one million dollars
less to disburse to the over 1,350 organizations and individual artists who
apply for funding each year and whose programming makes Toronto vital and
attractive to tourists, businesses and residents alike.

In 2001, Toronto Arts Council received $8,645,268 from the City:
·        TAC disbursed grants to 447 organizations and 196 individual
·        TAC grants helped leverage an additional $85 million in ticket
sales, other grants and donations
·        8,500,000 people attended TAC supported exhibitions, performances
and festivals
·        TAC grants recipients paid salaries totaling $49 million.
Toronto Arts Council's year 2001 allocation represented one-eighth of one
percent of the city's operating budget.

To contact your Councillor - call 416-338-0338 for their name and number, or
go to www.city.toronto.on.ca and click Council under Accessing City Hall.

To get your copy of TAC's 2002 budget submission, visit our web site
www.torontoartscouncil.org or call the office.  For more information on TAC'
s budget submission or the budget process, call Susan Wright 392-6802 x 211.

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