Patricia Joyce patricia at caea.com
Tue Jul 30 10:44:04 EDT 2002

~~~~~~~~~~ e-drive ~~~~~~~~~~

Auditions for Wang Dang Doodle - The Harlem Musical

Rick Kish, Director of Wang Dang Doodle, invites interested Equity performers to submit resumes and photographs for consideration for an audition.  For character descriptions, please see the list below.

Please submit packages care of Susan Ferley, Artistic Director, The Grand Theatre, 471 Richmond Street, London, ON, N6A 3E4. Additional information is available by calling Megan McCallum, Administrative Assistant, at (519) 672-9030, x249 or by e-mailing adminassist at grandtheatre.com. Those requested to audition will be contacted by the second week of August.

Wang Dang Doodle will begin rehearsing on February 11, 2003. The show opens on March 7 and will close March 30, 2003. Auditions will be held in Toronto in August 2002.

Character Descriptions for Wang Dang Doodle - The Harlem Musical

Sam 'Sneeze' Price
30's/40's: In the mould of a 'Guys and Dolls"-type GANGSTER: real tough on the outside - soft and squishy on the inside. A guy who's been forced to walk on the wrong side of the tracks in order to survive. Because of this, he is plagued by what might be called 'psychosomatic' allergies - causing him to sneeze at really inappropriate moments - like when he's shaking down some poor sucker that owes him money! The object of Sam's desire is...

Minnie Taylor	
20's/30's. A beautiful nightclub singer whose inspiration in life is Josephine Baker. Like Baker, Minnie would love to be able to shake life by the horns - but despite a definitely "voom-voom" exterior, she's just a good girl at heart. Secretly, she wishes she could tame and train the wayward Sam...but she's not holding out much hope! (N.B. Minnie actor also plays the role of God - The Almighty, who in this incarnation is a sort of Heavenly 'Big Sister' - no-nonsense, but yet hip to mortals' 'jive'...).

Rudy Sussman 
30's. An upper-crust tuxedoed 'nerd' and heir to the SUSSMAN SAUSAGE AND FINE MEATS empire. He's lived forever in the shadow of "Daddy," but secretly would love to break out and become the 'hep-cat' he's always felt he really is. Secretly practises Harlem 'jive' and 'slang' in the bathtub. (N.B. Rudy actor also plays Shopping Bag Mary, the unlikely landlady who looks just like a Bag Lady. She has an unplaceable Eastern European accent. But she insists she was "one gorgeous doll" in her youth, and forever laments the loss of her late husband Tibor...

Charlotte Cranmore (Rudy's fiancée) 
20's. The youngest of the Cranmore sisters, from a family whose fortunes are quickly diminishing. To that end she's been 'fixed up' with unsuspecting (but stinking rich) Rudy. An under-achiever, she'd "simply die" to be as glamorous as Minnie. Charlotte derives most of her comfort from food...

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