Kaethe Yanovsky kaethe at caea.com
Tue Jun 25 15:47:03 EDT 2002


News on Classes from Equity Showcase Theatre
Equity Showcase Theatre welcomes summer in with a number of refreshing classes to inspire creativity and bring fun to those lazy, hazy days.  Here are just a few of the courses and workshops with deadlines coming up (see www.equityshowcase.ca for more details): 
**A class with recent 4-time Dora Winner Dean Gilmour**
Clowning Workshop with Dean Gilmour #978
For me clown work is very special and important work for any actor but it is very misunderstood. Clown is at the heart of my work along with neutral mask. There is a very false idea of clown that I fight against in my work. In my theatre we search constantly for the "how" not the "why". The pleasure to play can be felt. Unique rhythms can be discovered and played to the maximum, silence prepares us for words, stillness can give value to movement and the emotion can be given to the public. We search in the silent space for a humanity that permits us to glimpse the essence.
July 2 - July 19, 2002, Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12:00 - 2:45
(No Class on July 1st for Canada Day - moved to July 2nd)
Cost: CAEA $360, Non-CAEA $395
Application with photo, résumé & payment by June 26th.
Subsidies for Equity members are provided by Equity's professional development fund. 
Two Journies: Putting the Artist at the Centre of Creation with Mark Christmann #975
In this course an original theatre piece will be made.
The first journey is the examination of text as the departure point for performance including character development, text analysis, theatrical play, and the actor's presence. 
The second journey is devoted to physical expression and communication, specifically creating dialogues with gesture and space and development of rhythms both personal and shared. Class participants will explore sustaining the moment and taking the action (or narrative) forward, with a versatility of tone and corporeal characteristic.  
Times: Saturdays 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm Plus Last Week Intensive: Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
July 6 - August 17, 2002
Cost: CAEA $290, Non-CAEA $320
Application with photo, résumé & payment by ** extended deadline** July 2nd.
Subsidies for Equity members are provided by Equity's professional development fund.
Creating for Mask with Perry Schneiderman #934
This workshop is a three-week intensive introduction to methods for creating with and for character mask.  In the first two weeks, the sessions will include improvisation in mask and exercises in written creative expression.  The third week will combine all of the elements explored during the first two weeks and will concentrate on the development of finished mask pieces. 
Days & Times: First 2 weeks Mon, Wed & Fri 1:00pm - 4:30pm; Last week Mon-Fri 1:00pm - 4:00pm
July 8 - July 26, 2002
Cost: CAEA $230, Non-CAEA $420
Application with photo, résumé & payment by ** extended deadline** July 2nd.
Subsidies for Equity members are provided by Equity's professional development fund.
Corporeal Mime with Victoria Goring #976
No one gets stuck inside a box.
Movement theatre classes based on the teachings of Etienne Decroux, founder of modern mime.   This physical class gives the actor the skills to move with precision, control, and clarity.  Corporeal Mime is a study of how to be a dramatic, visceral presence on stage.  A universal technique, Corporeal Mime gives the actor concrete physical tools to use in improvisation, workshopping, and performance.
July 8 - August 26, 2002, Mondays 7:00 - 9:00pm (No Class Aug 5th)
Cost: CAEA $150, Non-CAEA $165
Application with photo, résumé & payment by ** extended deadline** July 2nd
Subsidies for Equity members are provided by Equity's professional development fund. 
Great Broadcast Performance From The Inside Out with Michael Connolly #958
Are you interested in broadcast journalism and want to improve your on air performance?  This course will help you by showing you how to make progress in several key areas.  
Participants will be taught a series of techniques and exercises and receive individual coaching. They will also take away a videotape of their work.  Who should take this course?  Anyone interested in getting into broadcast journalism.  Journalists in the print medium who want to expand their career opportunities.  Actors and writers who are interested in hosting shows or finding new venues for their creativity in the ever-expanding world of the media.
July 9 - July 30, 2002, Tuesdays 7:00 - 10:00 pm
Cost: CAEA $140, Non-CAEA $155
Application with photo, résumé & payment by ** extended deadline** July 3rd.

For any class inquiries please visit our website at www.equityshowcase.ca, contact Jennifer by phone at 416-533-6100 ext. 21 or by e-mail at mail at equityshowcase.ca 

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