Kaethe Yanovsky kaethe at caea.com
Wed Oct 2 11:05:03 EDT 2002


Space still available

voice workout at Theatre Calgary on Mondays  from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

take the opportunity to revisit voice training, work on vocal problems
under the guidance of a professional voice & speech teacher, extend your
range and resonance, expand your ability and prepare new material for
auditions, etc.

Advanced Workout - 6 weeks*, 
Oct. 21 - Nov. 25
$60.00 for Equity members
$90.00 for non-members

*Please note the change in the start date
to register or for more information, please call 813-9627 or email
voiceactivated at telusplanet.net 

classes will be lead by Jane MacFarlane, MFA and Voice & Speech Teachers
Diploma, York University where she trained with David Smukler.  Jane
also interned at the American Repertory Theatre at Harvard University.
Jane has taught at York University, Equity Showcase, A.R.T., Southern
Methodist University and is currently at Mount Royal College.  She has
coached professional productions throughout Canada and the US as well as
coaching at Theatre Calgary.

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