Kaethe Yanovsky kaethe at caea.com
Mon Oct 21 15:55:03 EDT 2002


The following is a notice regarding the opening of Bunnies in the
Headlights Theatre's new production.  We are pleased to offer a special
Equity rate of $10 for tickets should you be able to join us.  Showtime
is 8PM.  There is no Monday show, and there are additional 2PM matinees
on Sunday. 

Bunnies in the Headlights Theatre is proud to be bringing Halifax
audiences a powerful contemporary play about the raw, real, and ever
present dangers of hate in our society.  CHERRY DOCS by David Gow will
be presented from October 26 to November 3 at the David Mack. Murray
Theatre (Studio 1) at the Dalhousie Arts Centre.

Bunnies co-founder Christian Barry will direct the two-hander, which
features well known Halifax actor Gordon Gammie and talented new-comer
Conor Green.  Lighting Designer for the production will be Montreal
native Robin Paterson.

Bunnies in the Headlights Theatre was formed in 1999 with a goal of
stimulating the mind and awakening the spirit by producing theatre that
is vital, innovative and challenging. We look to create and produce
exciting theatre that speaks to us as young people, as artists, as
Maritimers, and as Canadians. We look to challenge ourselves with our
goals, both artistic and financial, and aspire to no less than to be the
cause of massive waves of tears, laughter, reflection, and action in the
audiences we encounter. 

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