Patricia Joyce patricia at caea.com
Tue Sep 3 14:36:02 EDT 2002

~~~~~~~~~~ e-drive ~~~~~~~~~~

It is with deep sadness we communicate the news of Linda Racine's passing.
At around 7:15 last Thursday evening, Linda died peacefully at Humber River
Regional Hospital in the arms of her devoted husband Ulf Stahmer.

We all admire her strength and determination in combating her terrible
illness (brain cancer, diagnosed last December six weeks after the birth of
her second child).  Her will to come home impressed everyone around her and
she showed improvement when all was stacked against her.  Her friends and
family - in particular Ulf and her two little boys - will miss her deeply.

The funeral service for Linda is this Thursday, September 5th at 12 noon at
Calvin Presbyterian Church, 26 Delisle Ave, Toronto (Yonge and St. Clair).
The church will be open from 11am for reflection and meditation.  A
reception at the church will follow.

An evening of song, celebration, and reminiscence is planned for February
when our pain will not be so fresh.  Then we can all let our hair down,
sing, dance, laugh, and talk about Linda - and begin raising funds for "Arts
for Life" in earnest.  In the meantime, we look forward to gathering on
Thursday to celebrate Linda's life and bid farewell.

Trish O'Reilly
Abby Zotz

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