Kaethe Yanovsky kaethe at caea.com
Wed Apr 16 13:32:31 EDT 2003


Auditioning for the Musical Stage with Diane Lewarne

Acclaimed teacher and performer Diane Lewarne (former head of music at
RAPA,  faculty member @ UBC, star of Candide, Phantom of the Opera,
Camelot, etc.) 
will be holding an audition class open to equity and non-equity members.

The class will focus on performance techniques necessary for the
audition room. Understand more of your craft and apply it to that
stressed filled moment in time called... "The Audition".

Six-Week class begins April 28th - June 2nd from 7pm to 10pm every
Location of class is at Bayview and Eglinton. Participants should be
prepared to sing a memorized song from the musical theatre repertoire
week. Emphasis will be placed on lyrical analysis and musical phrasing. 

Enhance your singing actor muscle and come enjoy the gift of song.

Cost of the six week program is $220 for non-equity members and $210 for

members.  Auditior fee TBA.

For further information call Diane Lewarne @ 416 467-6969 or e-mail
lewarnepartin at hotmail.com

Please forward your resume and references to lewarnepartin at hotmail.com.

Please direct all responses and inquiries directly to the theatre or
association listed in the e-drive notice. 

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