Darlene Bullard dbullard at caea.com
Mon Dec 22 12:04:11 EST 2003

Please direct any inquiries to the theatre or organization listed in
this notice.

1.	Young Actor's Studio - Vancouver
2.	Soulpepper Winter 2004 Shakespeare Intensive - Toronto
3.	Equity Showcase Theatre Presents Sensory Awakening - Toronto

Class I							
7-10 years of age						
10am - 12pm (with one 15 minute break)			
Maximum Capacity 12 students				

Class II
11-14 years of age.
1pm - 4pm (with one 15 minute break)
Maximum Capacity 12 students

Course Duration 
6 weeks
Start Date: January 18th 
End Date: February 22nd
(The second half of the last week's session to be a performance date,
open to parents..)

*This course is structured so that is may be repeated by children who
are committed to working in the industry.   New work, new material,  and
individualized goals and objectives will be introduced in each new

Course Outline

This course  is designed for students who have previous experience
working in the entertainment industry, or are committed to beginning a
career working on stage or screen.  

Young Actor's Studio  focuses on  individual student's strengths,
weaknesses, and their personal creative  needs.   It offers both a
strong foundation in technique and belief,   as well as specific
individualized instruction.

There is some weekly homework involved.  This course concludes with a 45
minute showcase of selected students work, both individual and ensemble,
that is open to parents.  Some sessions will invite selected industry
professional's to this performance.

Course Objectives;

To give every student an opportunity to act, and to consciously work on
their craft as a committed, involved "actor in progress".  

To create a  safe and exciting environment to learn,  grow , and explore
their capabilities as a actor involved in the creative process.
(character breakdowns, development, physicalization, script analysis,
voice work, personalization of choices, form &  arc )

To foster and enrich students imaginative powers and their willingness
to "believe".

To introduce a variety of different approaches to auditions,
performance, and rehearsal.

To allow students a chance to work towards deadlines, to perform, and
gain confidence in their own creative abilities.

To provide students with a strong foundation and familiarity with acting
& theatre  related vocabulary, methods, and techniques.

Course Price; 		
604 - 877-7705
20% DISCOUNT for members of CAEA, or for students who have a parent who
is a current member of CAEA!!

2. Soulpepper Winter 2004 Shakespeare Intensive

Approach the works of Shakespeare without fear:

1-Explore the power of Shakespeare's language through monologue, scene
work, movement and voice.
2-Discover practical solutions to specific problems.
3-Emphasis on understanding Shakespeare's verse and speaking it with
clarity and passion.

A maximum of 12 actors will be chosen. 

Winter 2004 - Shakespeare & Stanislavski with Diego Matamoros 

When:  Monday, February 9th to Saturday February 14th, 2004 (10:00am -

Where:  Tapestry-Nightwood New Work Studio, 55 Mill St. Suite 315, The
Cannery Building

Deadline for applications: Friday, January 30th, 2004 - 5pm	

Founding member Diego Matamoros will work with a maximum of 12 actors on
scenes from Shakespeare's plays emphasizing Mr. Matamoros' personal
approach to constructing a character through both Stanislavskian and
verse analysis. These intensives will also include classes with
Soulpepper coaches Mark Christmann (movement/mask), Diane Pitblado
(voice/accents/dialects) and Kelly McEvenue (Alexander

**Please prepare a Shakespeare monologue for all sessions.**

Cost per session:	
Fee: $500, Equity Rate: $400

PLEASE NOTE:	There is a $10 non-refundable application fee.

Call Merika Ramundo, Training & Youth Outreach Coordinator at
416.203.6264 xt.31 or log onto our website: www.soulpepper.ca

Please send resume, cover letter, headshot and $10 non-refundable
application fee to: 

Winter 2004 Shakespeare Intensive
Soulpepper Theatre Company 
P.O. Box 199, 260 Adelaide St. East
Toronto, ON M5A 1N1 	
Fax: 416.203.1531

Applications may also be dropped off in person as of Monday, January 5th

(Mondays to Fridays, 10am-5pm) at Soulpepper\'s Administrative Office:

227 Front Street East, Suite 400 
(Canadian Opera Company Building) 
Toronto, ON M5A 1E8

Mark Christmann is Soulpepper's Head of Movement. He is a graduate of
L'Ecole J. Lecoq in Paris, and has performed and choreographed
extensively across Canada and internationally. 

Diego Matamoros is Associate Artistic Director and Head of Training. He
is a Dora and Gemini award winning actor and teacher of acting, both in
Toronto and at the National Theatre School in Montreal.

Kelly McEvenue is a renowned teacher of the Alexander technique. She has
taught at theatres and in schools across the country. She is the
Movement Coordinator for the Stratford Festival. 

Diane Pitblado is the Head of Voice for Soulpepper. Ms. Pitblado has an
M.F.A. in voice and performance from York University and has coached
such illustrious performers as Anne Bancroft, Marisa Tomei & Aidan

3. Equity Showcase Theatre presents:
A Special One-Day Intensive!
Sensory Awakening
Course # 1311

With Florence MacGregor & Guillermo Mansilla

This experience is for Artists who wish to open their senses to deeper
comprehension and the forces that exist when we utilize art as a tool
for seeking and experimentation.

The ancient chi kung form in an actor-based warm-up will prepare us for
this one-day workshop in which we will enjoy the physical experience of
some of the sacred traditions of Humanity - Islam, Judaism,
Christianity, Buddhism, and traditions of the Inuit, Aztecs, and Mayans.
All of this knowledge will be experienced through the sacred art of

WHEN: Saturday, January 10, 2004 1-6 PM
WHERE: Equity Showcase Theatre
COST: $80 CAEA, $100 Non-CAEA

Florence MacGregor: Canadian actor and artist, choreographer, and
professor of movement for actors (Chi Kung) at Humber College. Recent
roles include Lady Mary Stanley in Rhombus Film production on Elizabeth
Rex on CBC's
Opening Night, Ursula/The Lady of the Lake in Merlin (YPT). Other
specialties include being a member of the artistic team for the
Shakespeare Globe Centre of Canada (2001 Inaugural International Fellow)
and recently
returning from Argentina having participated in the International
Festival of Mercosur, Cordoba: "Shakespeare: Moving the Universe."

Guillermo Mansilla: Argentine Artist, Actor, Juggler, Clown. Recent
performances include: Diablo in Cielo o Infierno, The Mandable in BUGS
full of Honey History, the Necochea National Festival for Kids,
Argentina. His
international work as a performer includes: International Juggling
Theatre Festivals in Aurillac, France: Terrega, Spain, US and South
American. Other workshops include: The International Festival of
Mercosur in Cordoba Argentina: "Shakespeare Moving the Universe."

Space is limited. Application deadline is January 6th, 2004. Application
and a form of payment are all that is required for this course. This
course is first-come, first serve. Visit www.equityshowcase.ca for an
application or call 416-533-6100 for more info.

Equity Showcase Theatre
651 Dufferin Street
Toronto, ON
M6K 2B2
phone (416)533-6100 ext 21
fax (416) 533-2449
registrar at equityshowcase.ca

Canadian Actors' Equity Association
44 Victoria Street, 12th Floor
Toronto, ON M5C 3C4
Tel: 416-867-9165
Fax: 416-867-9246
e-mail: communications at caea.com

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