Kaethe Yanovsky kaethe at caea.com
Thu Feb 13 12:31:04 EST 2003


Springboard Dance Presents...
Itchy Fruit -- Butoh based training and improvisation
Training the body and imagination:  a rigorous workshop in Butoh-based
dance/theatre training. This is an approach to working from vivid
internal conditions expressed through intense physicality.  Movement
training that endeavors to reveal an inner life of authenticity and
depth to express one's humanity in all of its irrationality, ugliness,
beauty and mirth.

Denise Fujiwara has worked as a dancer and choreographer for over 22
years. In 1994 acclaimed butoh choreographer, Natsu Nakajima, created a
masterful butoh work, Sumida River, especially for her.  Since then
Sumida River has moved audiences at Festivals and theatres in Canada
from coast to coast, in Seattle, Cleveland, and Washington DC, and was
named the Best Dance Performance of 2000 by Toronto's NOW Magazine.  It
continues to tour, going
to Scandinavia in 2003.   Ms. Fujiwara has had the privilege of studying
butoh intensively with master artist, Natsu Nakajima, as well as with
Tanaka Min, Jay Hirabayashi, Diego Pinon, Kinya Tsuruyama, Yumiko
Yoshioka, Su-en and Yukio Waguri. 12 - 2 pm Saturday, March 1st Dancers'
Studio West 2007 - 10 Ave. SW (enter from back alley)

Price:  $15
           $12  Equity/students
RSVP:  no later than Thursday, February 27th

For more information or registration
Phone:  265-3230
<mailto:springboard at nucleus.com>
Website:  www.mcsquared.com/springboard


Please direct all responses and inquiries directly to the theatre or
association listed in the e-drive notice. 

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