Patricia Joyce patricia at caea.com
Thu Jan 9 12:16:04 EST 2003

~~~~~~~~~~ e-drive ~~~~~~~

GRAFFITI THEATRE on Saltspring Island B.C. will be producing Marie
Jones' prizewinning play "STONES IN HIS POCKETS".   April 17 - 26, 2003
at "Artspring".  These dates include a short tour of the Gulf Islands.

This is an "actors" play, as the two male actors (mid-thirties) share
fifteen roles.  Including those of females.  These roles demand great
versatility and a flair for accents.  (Dublin, Kerry, U.K., Cockney,
U.S. and Scottish!).

Will those actors who have not already sent us their resumes, please
send one to:

Yvonne Adalian, Artistic Director, Graffiti Theatre, 290 Forest Ridge
Road, Saltspring Island B.C. V8K 1W4, for a possible audition in
February in Vancouver.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Equity members will be seen first
at all open audition calls. Equity members cast in this production will
be engaged under an Equity form of contract. CAEA members: please bring
your membership card to the audition.

Please direct all responses and inquiries directly to the theatre or
association listed in the e-drive notice.

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