Patricia Joyce patricia at caea.com
Thu Jan 23 17:32:05 EST 2003

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ALLIANCE NEWS 23 January 2002
New Program Launches - Legal Advice


Commencing 4 February and running each Tuesday evening from 7:00
to 9:00 pm, the Alliance for Arts and Culture will be hosting a
free legal advice service for arts professionals. The service is
called "APLAWS" (Arts Professionals - Legal Advice - Weekly
Sessions) and has been set up as a joint volunteer project
between the Alliance for Arts and Culture and Burt Harris, a BC
arts and entertainment lawyer.

Access to APLAWS is open generally to professional artists, arts
administrators and representatives of organizations and companies
in all artistic disciplines and all sectors of the arts and
entertainment industry. However, requests for advice must involve
legal issues related to their works, services, projects or
activities as arts professionals.

The Tuesday sessions will be pre-scheduled, one-on-one, ½ hour
meetings with lawyers. Meetings will be booked on a
first-come/first-served basis, upon submission of a completed
application form and signed release, and subject to the
availability of the participating lawyers.

During the meetings, arts professionals will be provided with
summary legal advice only. Those in need of legal representation
or assistance beyond summary advice will be provided with a list
of BC arts and entertainment lawyers.

For an application form or more information about APLAWS, contact:

Alliance for Arts and Culture
100 - 938 Howe Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 1N9

Phone: 604-681-3535
Fax: 604-681-7848
Email: aplaws at allianceforarts.com
Website: TBA

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