Kaethe Yanovsky kaethe at caea.com
Tue Mar 18 10:39:04 EST 2003



Toronto auditions for two roles in Ship's Company Theatre's production
of Chairmaker the Musical will be held on April 7th and 8th , 2003.

Actors with strong musical theatre skills are invited to submit resumes
for consideration.  Selected actors will be contacted and an audition
time and location will be provided.

Actors will be asked to perform a short monologue of no more than 5
minutes duration, plus two songs, one upbeat and one ballad.  An
accompanist will be provided.  

The Characters:

Jimmy Fulton:

Jimmy is eighteen years old and the only son of the Manager of the
Dominion Chair Company in Bass River, Nova Scotia.  The year is 1947.
Jimmy has failed math, and will not graduate from highschool.   Not only
that but he borrowed his Dad's car (sort of without asking) and drove it
into the river.  Jimmy's punishment is to spend the summer working in
the "chair room", the final assembly room of the plant, and be mentored
by the foreman, Edward Fraser.  Over the course of the summer Jimmy is
challenged to learn life lessons and indeed mature from boyhood to
manhood.  He's also in love, of course, with Nora Campbell, who provides
her own challenges to Jimmy in the growing up department.  Voice range:
Tenor or High Baritone.

Nora Campbell:

Nora is eighteen years old and the only daughter of the town doctor.
She's a bright young lady, no wilting lily, ready to take on the world
and follow in her father's footsteps.  She loves Jimmy and wants him to
follow her to Toronto where she will start her university training.
Working this out, and encouraging Jimmy while remaining true to her own
destiny are the challenges she faces.  Voice range:  Soprano.

Please forward resume and photo to:

Scott Burke
Artistic Producer
Ship's Company Theatre
P.O. Box 275
Parrsboro, Nova Scotia
B0M 1S0

Equity members will be seen first at all open audition calls. 
Equity members cast in this production will be engaged under an Equity
form of contract.
CAEA members: please bring your membership card to the audition.
Please direct all responses and inquiries directly to the theatre or
association listed in the e-drive notice. 

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