Kaethe Yanovsky kaethe at caea.com
Fri May 9 11:02:05 EDT 2003


Visceral Visions invites all Equity members to attend the previews of
the world premiere of "The Malaysia Hotel", FREE OF CHARGE, by simply
showing your Equity card at the door.

Written by Laurie Fyffe, directed by Johnna Wright, and starring Khaira
Ledeyo and Valerie Sing Turner, "The Malaysia Hotel" takes place in
Bangkok  in the 1980s, where Kris, a Canadian woman teaching English,
meets Molyka, a Cambodian woman who survived the Khmer Rouge regime only
to end up as a prostitute in Bangkok's famous Pat Pong redlight
district. In the wee hours of a stormy February night, Molyka shows up
on Kris's doorstep at the Malaysia Hotel to demand that Kris take her
back to Canada with her, as she's discovered that Kris received a book
advance from a Canadian publisher to tell her life story.

Presented at the CBC Vancouver Production Centre, Studio 41, 700
Hamilton Street, the show opens May 17 and runs until May 31.
Previews are Thursday, May 15 and Friday, May 16. All shows start at
8:00 pm.

Please note that reservations cannot be made for this special offer. The
on-site box office opens at 7:00 pm, and would be happy to issue you a
comp upon presentation of your Equity card.

For further show information, call Festival Box Office at 604/257-0366.

"The Malaysia Hotel" is an Equity-approved Independent Artists Projects
Policy production.

Please direct all responses and inquiries directly to the theatre or
association listed in the e-drive notice. 

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