caea-l at list.web.net caea-l at list.web.net
Mon Aug 15 16:24:51 EDT 2005

Please direct all responses and inquiries directly to the theatre or
association listed in the e-drive notice below.

Alberta Theatre Projects (Calgary) will be holding auditions for the
following roles in its production of The Clean House by Sarah Ruhl.

Character descriptions:
Matilde, a cleaning lady, a woman in her late twenties.  She is
Brazilian.  She has a refined sense of deadpan.

A Woman/Ana, in her sixties.  Or seventies.  Ana is Argentinean.  She is
impossibly charismatic.

Production Dates:  Rehearsals start March 7, 2006, opening March 28,
2006, closing April 15, 2006.

Audition requirements:
Auditions are by invitation only.
Sides will be provided.
Both characters speak some Portuguese.

Audition Date:
Vancouver: Friday August 19, 2005.  You will be auditioning for
director, Bob White.

To request an audition please send a photo and resume by e-mail or fax
by Wednesday August 17, 2005 to: Dianne Goodman, Artistic Associate
dgoodman at ATPlive.com Fax (403) 294 7493

Please note: You will be notified if you have been scheduled for an
audition by August 18, 2006.  If you are invited to audition you will be
forwarded the audition sides and notified of the time and location of
the audition.

Equity members will be seen first at all open audition calls.  Equity
members cast in this production will be engaged under an equity form of
contract.  CAEA members: please bring your membership card to the

Canadian Actors' Equity Association
44 Victoria Street, 12th Floor
Toronto, ON M5C 3C4

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