caea-l at list.web.net caea-l at list.web.net
Mon Aug 29 15:08:29 EDT 2005

Please direct all responses and inquiries directly to the theatre or
association listed in the e-drive notice below.

The Citadel Theatre is accepting resumes for Equity Extras from
Edmonton-based CAEA members for two roles (one male and one female) in
our seasonal production of A Christmas Carol, to be directed by Bob
Baker.  Must be available for rehearsal from November 8 to December 1
and performance from December 2 to 23, 2006.

The specific character traits are:

*	The male is slender, elegant, above average height and appears
to be about 40 years old or older.

*	The female is average height and weight and will appear in
limited song and dance sequences so should have some singing and
movement skills; appears to be over 55 years of age.

Note: Extras must be Edmonton-based -- travel and/or accommodation will
not be offered. Remuneration will be Equity minimum for "A" category

Auditions will be held Monday, September 5 in the evening. Location TBA.

Please forward photo and resume to:

Christmas Carol EXTRA Auditions
Citadel Theatre
9828 101A Avenue
Edmonton, AB  T5J 3C6

Resumes will be accepted until noon on September 5, 2005. Please do not
submit resumes by fax or email. All Edmonton-based CAEA applicants will
be contacted to arrange an audition time.

Equity members will be seen first at all open audition calls. Equity
members cast in this production will be engaged under an Equity form of
contract. CAEA members: please bring your membership card to the

Canadian Actors' Equity Association
44 Victoria St, 12th floor
Toronto, ON
M5C 3C4

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