caea-l at list.web.net caea-l at list.web.net
Tue Jan 24 13:55:16 EST 2006





Now is your turn to play a role in shaping Equity's future. Referendum
ballots are in the mail to full members of the Association in good
standing. The constitutional referendum on reducing the size of Council
is underway. 


Mark your ballot - every vote matters. All Equity members in good
standing are encouraged to cast a ballot in this historic vote.
Referendum ballots must be postmarked not later than Tuesday, February
28th, 2006 and received at the national office in Toronto by not later
than 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 14th, 2006. 


The national referendum is the outcome of Equity Council's approval of
changes to the Association's governance structure and endorsement of a
motion to reduce the size of Council to not less than twenty (20)
members. The Association's Constitution requires that a referendum be
held on any constitutional amendment. A change to the Association's
Constitution may only be enacted following an affirmative vote of not
less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the voting membership.
Referendum results will be announced through e-drive after the ballot
count on March 15th, 2006.


Information about the referendum and Equity's governance is available at
EQUITYONLINE http://www.caea.com <http://www.caea.com/> .


Canadian Actors' Equity Association

44 Victoria St., 12th floor

Toronto, ON  M5C 3C4

communications at caea.com



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