caea-l at list.web.net caea-l at list.web.net
Wed May 2 12:07:18 EDT 2007

Please direct all responses and inquiries directly to the theatre or
association listed in the e-drive notice below.

Call For Submissions - Fringe auditions -- Toronto

Escape From Grace
By Haley McGee 
Directed by Elizabeth Helmers
Seeking two male actors, 50-60, to join our cast. Escape From Grace is
an uproarious and poignant play in which the tormented McCarthy family
struggles to come to terms with the death of their youngest daughter.
The play explores belief systems, escapism, sexuality and sibling
rivalry. The emotional pendulum swings wildly from despair to hilarity.

Winston, 58, male.
A highschool english teacher, father of 5 (now 4).  The play takes place
on the eve of his 58th birthday, as his family tries to cajole him out
of his grief. Has become increasingly depressed and removed after the
death of his youngest daughter. 

Uncle Mackers, 60, male.
Winston's older brother. A gay artist who lives alone in the country.
Vivacious, opinionated and bursting with love--he is the life force of
the piece.

Auditions will be held between May 11 and 13. Please send headshot and
resume to escapefromgrace at hotmail.com. Actors will be provided with
excerpts from the script. The Fringe runs July 4- 15th. Rehearsals will
begin mid May, flexible depending upon actors' availability.

Equity members participating in this production will be signed to a
Fringe waiver and all net proceeds from the production will be divided
equally among the participants.

Canadian Actors' Equity Association
44 Victoria St., 12th floor
Toronto, ON  M5C 3C4

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