caea-l at list.web.net caea-l at list.web.net
Thu May 10 09:16:12 EDT 2007

Please direct all responses and inquiries directly to the theatre or
association listed in the e-drive notice below

Converse-Station Theatre is accepting submissions for their SummerWorks
production of HONK, If You Can Hear Me! by Laura Burns.  This will be an
outdoor, off-site production, directed by Alexandra Seay. 

We are casting for the following roles: 

Larry (male, 20-30ish) - lawyer - has bought a car with a client's
settlement money and is about to be investigated.  Please prepare: a
brief comic monologue.

Goldie (male, 20-30ish)- trickster - vocal versatility a must - clown or
circus training an asset - plays upwards of 5 characters.  Please
prepare (or improvise): a sketch or scene of your creation that will
showcase your vocal and/or physical dexterity, 2 minute maximum.
Alternately, prepare a comic scene in which you play both parts.
Sides will also be provided when you are contacted with an audition
time, please come prepared to read.

Auditions May 12,13 and 16.  Rehearsals begin in May, evenings and
weekends. SummerWorks runs August 2-12th.

We encourage actors of all ethnicities to apply.  Please send resume and
headshot to conversestation at gmail.com .  Equity members participating in
this production will be signed to a Fringe waiver and all net proceeds
from the production will be divided equally among the participants.

Canadian Actors' Equity Association
44 Victoria St., 12th floor
Toronto, ON  M5C 3C4

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