CAEA e-drive caea-l at list.web.net
Thu May 12 13:47:46 EDT 2011

Please direct all responses and inquiries directly to the theatre or
association listed in the e-drive notice below.

Date production rehearsal/job starts: 08/22/2011
Deadline to submit: 06/30/2011
Email applications to: gm at blacktheatreworkshop.ca
Contact name: Jacklin Webb
Contact email: gm at blacktheatreworkshop.ca
Contact phone: 514-932-1104
Engager Website: www.blacktheatreworkshop.ca

Ethno-cultural mandate or ethno-cultural casting statement:
The mission of Black Theatre Workshop (BTW) is to encourage and promote
the development of a Black and Canadian Theatre, rooted in literature
that reflects the creative will of Black Canadian writers and artists,
and the creative collaborations between Black and other artists. BTW
aims to promote and produce Black Theatre that educates, entertains and
delights its audiences. The company strives to create a greater
cross-cultural understanding by its presence and the intrinsic value of
its work.

Additional information:
Black Theatre Workshop's Artistic Director, Tyrone Benskin, is stepping
down after 6 years with the company. The Board of Directors is seeking a
new Artistic Director to build on the artistic growth and success that
the organisation has already achieved.

The Search Committee is seeking a proven leader who will be able to
clearly and passionately articulate the vision and distinct artistic
mandate of the organization. He or she will enjoy working in a
collaborative environment, must have a sound knowledge of production,
budgeting processes, an appreciation of basic management principles and
have the willingness and knowledge to take a significant role with both
marketing and fund development.

For a more detailed description of the position and qualifications for
applicants and for additional information regarding Black Theatre
Workshop, please see the job description on our website,

Interested candidates are invited to submit a letter of interest and
resume in confidence on or before June 30, 2011 to:

Jacklin Webb
President of the Board
email: gm at blacktheatreworkshop.ca

Or by mail: 
Black Theatre Workshop
432 - 3680 rue Jeanne-Mance
Montreal, QC H2X 2K5

Canadian Actors' Equity Association
44 Victoria St., 12th floor
Toronto, ON M5C 3C4
communications at caea.com

The foregoing communication is intended only for the use of the individual or individuals named above and should not be read by or delivered to any other person. Such communication may contain information which is privileged, confidential or otherwise exempt from disclosure. Any collection, use, disclosure, forwarding or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this information in error, please accept our apology and immediately return the communication to the sender by electronic mail and destroy the message. See also Equity's Privacy Policy available at www.caea.com.

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