CAEA e-drive caea-l at list.web.net
Wed Dec 7 09:50:31 EST 2016

Please direct all responses and inquiries directly to the theatre or
association listed in the e-drive notice below.

Production name: The Musical McCoy
Date production rehearsal/job starts: 01/30/2017
Audition date: 12/16/2016
Deadline to submit: 12/09/2016
Email applications to: rosalind at ivorystorm.com
Contact name: Rosalind Mills
Contact email: rosalind at ivorystorm.com
Contact phone: (416) 818-4440
Engager Website: http://www.vincentdetourdonnet.com/musical-mccoy.html

Ethno-cultural mandate or ethno-cultural casting statement:
The Musical McCoy is about the extraordinary black inventor Elijah McCoy.
Born in Canada to parents who escaped slavery, McCoy helped revolutionize
the steam engine. This 19th century tale is driven by a 21st century
electronica score, creating an arc from his innovative spirit into our own
age. Based on the hit play The Real McCoy by Andrew Moodie.  Lyrics by
Vincent DeTourdonnet and music by Nicholas Murray, Rosalind Mills and
Vincent DeTourdonnet. Workshop directed by Andrew Moodie.

Additional information:
Weeklong Equity workshop January 30- February 4, 2017, invited presentations
Feb. 2 8PM, and Feb. 4 2pm.


Elijah McCoy is a black Male aged 30-50 who is exacting, meticulous, an
articulate scientist and obsessive.  He has a slight English accent.
Baritone with superb diction and vocal rhythm . Strong performer.

Young Elijah/ Don Bogie- Young Elijah is younger version of McCoy in his
20's. Same character description.  We are looking for a tenor with Strong
diction and vocal rhythm. Also character acting for the Don Bogie role.

Death is a black female Age:  20's-30's with a dark and powerful presence
and voice.

Anna is a strong, smart black female Age  20's-40's  We are looking for
someone with strong diction and vocal rhythm. Soprano.

Rankine is a Scottish Male in his  30's-50's. He is a comic character
actor-singer and a baritone, high-status. Strong diction and vocal rhythm.

Nanny Hubbard is a warm and wise black female Age:  50's-70's  Any singing

George McCoy is a warm black male Age  50's-70's, but who is capable of
great rage. Elijah's father.Bass/Baritone.

Burgess is a white male business owner, Age:  30's-50's  Comic character
actor-singer, accents, tenor, low-status. Strong diction and vocal rhythm.

Equity members will be seen first at all open audition calls. Equity members
cast in this production will be engaged under an Equity form of contract.
CAEA members: please bring your membership card to the audition.

Canadian Actors' Equity Association
44 Victoria St., 12th floor
Toronto, ON M5C 3C4
communications at caea.com


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