CAEA e-drive caea-l at list.web.net
Thu Feb 18 11:36:26 EST 2016

Please direct all responses and inquiries directly to the theatre or
association listed in the e-drive notice below.

Production name: The Blind Eye
Date production rehearsal/job starts: 04/01/2016
Audition date: 03/07/2016
Deadline to submit: 02/29/2016
Email applications to: m.entity at gmail.com
Contact name: Em Glasspool
Contact email: m.entity at gmail.com
Contact phone: (705)933-4510
Engager Website: www.mysteriousentity.com

Ethno-cultural mandate or ethno-cultural casting statement:
Mysterious Entity Theatre is seeking an actor for our next exciting original
production "The Blind Eye" which explores themes of immigration, abuse,
survival and blood memory. Seeking actors for role(s):

Angel Palmer: Black / mixed race woman, Age 20. Hopeful, loving, and tough.
Loves clothes, especially pink. Wants a better life for herself.

Same actor also plays:
Mary Rose Palmer: Angel’s grandmother. Age 60. Sings. Diva narcissist type.
Has suffered trauma. Emigrated from Jamaica to Canada as a young woman. Also
plays self age 25, shortly after arrival in Canada.

Additional information:
Person must have professional experience, with some experience in movement
based work. Please send c.v., and/or bio and head shot to m.entity at gmail.com
This will be an Equity engagement. (learn more about Mysterious Entity at

Auditions will take place in early March. There will be a few days of
rehearsal in April, and an intensive rehearsal period and shows in late May
at The Theatre on King in Peterborough. This is a small 40 seat theatre.

Equity members will be seen first at all open audition calls. Equity members
cast in this production will be engaged under an Equity form of contract.
CAEA members: please bring your membership card to the audition.

Canadian Actors' Equity Association
44 Victoria St., 12th floor
Toronto, ON M5C 3C4
communications at caea.com


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