<div dir="ltr">The main street in Collingwood was revamped in the early 80's and planted mainly with Norway maple and littleleaf linden (with a few honeylocusts and red oaks). Many of the original lindens are still in existence while several of the maples have been replaced (with more Norway Maples.) Over the past two growing seasons, there has been a dramatic decline in nearly all Norway maples (across age classes) with some lindens also affected.<br>
<br>There is evidence that salt has played a role because many of the cracks in the trunk (which in some cases continue into the heartwood) are on the side exposed to the road. The droughts experienced recently would likely exacerbate any problems with salt in the soil. Other symptoms among Norways include small leaves or no leafing out in the spring with entire limbs being affected while other limbs appear relatively healthy. The leaves tend to have scorched margins if they aren't completely brown. A few maples are also heavily infested with powdery mildew.<br>
<br>Has anyone else seen such a dramatic decline in Norway maples? <br><br>(The lindens that are affected have similar symptoms in the canopy but typically show no cracking of the trunk - which is funny because I thought lindens were less tolerant of salt than Norway Maples.)<br>
<br>Any help would be appreciated.<br><br>Thanks.<br>Alison<br><br>Landscape Architect / Arborist<br>Envision-Tatham<br><br><br><br></div>