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<DIV>Hello: </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Toronto has a few things:</DIV>
<LI>Toronto Public Health Shade Policy makes the link between need for natural or constructed shade environments for cancer prevention (they are also more recently working on heat vulnerability and making links there as well)</LI>
<LI>Parks, Forestry and Recreation has Shade Policy Provision Guidelines</LI>
<LI>Also - the new Toronto Green Standard for building makes reference to healthy pedestrian environments and has provisions for shade, including requirements for tree cover.</LI></UL>
<DIV>Below a link to a staff report that provides more background and links to the above.</DIV>
<DIV><A href="http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2007/hl/bgrd/backgroundfile-6600.pdf">http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2007/hl/bgrd/backgroundfile-6600.pdf</A></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Hope that helps,</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
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<DIV>Rike Burkhardt, Planner<BR>Urban Forestry<BR>18 Dyas Road, 1st Floor<BR>Toronto, ON M3B 1V5<BR><BR>Tel: 416-392-7305<BR>Fax:416-392-1915<BR><BR><BR>>>> <JMCNEIL@oakville.ca> 5/13/2010 2:18 PM >>><BR><FONT face=sans-serif size=2>Oakville Town Council approved a new Official Plan in 2009 called Livable Oakville.</FONT> <BR><BR><FONT face=sans-serif size=2>Part C, Section 10.1.1(f) states:</FONT> <BR><BR><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3>f) to progressively increase the urban forest to achieve a canopy cover of 40%</FONT> <BR><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3>Town-wide beyond the life of this Plan.</FONT> <BR><BR><FONT face=sans-serif size=2>Hope this helps.</FONT> <BR><BR><FONT face=sans-serif size=2><BR></DIV></FONT>
<TD bgColor=white><FONT face=Arial size=3><B>John McNeil, </B></FONT><FONT face=Arial size=2>MBA, Registered Professional Forester, Certified Arborist/Municipal Specialist</FONT><FONT face=Arial color=#000080 size=2><I><BR>Manager of Forestry Services</I></FONT><FONT face=Arial size=2><I><BR>Parks & Open Space Department</I></FONT><FONT face=Arial color=blue size=3><U><BR></U></FONT><A href="mailto:jmcneil@oakville.ca"><FONT face=Verdana color=blue size=1><U>jmcneil@oakville.ca</U></FONT></A><FONT face=Arial size=3> </FONT>
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2><BR>” <I>Urban Forestry is the Front Line of Defence against Global Climate Change</I> </FONT><FONT face=Arial color=#000080 size=2>”</FONT>
<P><FONT face=Verdana color=#000080 size=1><B>Central Operations</B></FONT><FONT face=Arial color=#000080 size=3> </FONT><FONT face=Verdana color=#000080 size=1><BR>1140 South Service Road West<BR>Oakville, Ontario, L6L 5T7 <BR>Tel. (905) 845-6601, Ext: 3395 </FONT><FONT face=Arial color=#000080 size=3><BR></FONT><FONT face=Verdana color=#000080 size=1><B><I><BR>Mailing Address:</I></B><BR>Town of Oakville <BR>P.O. Box 310, 1225 Trafalgar Road<BR>Oakville, Ontario, L6J 5A6 </FONT><FONT face=Verdana color=blue size=1><U><BR></U></FONT><A href="http://www.oakville.ca/"><FONT face=Verdana color=blue size=1><U>http://www.oakville.ca/</U></FONT></A></P></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>
<P><FONT size=3></FONT> <BR><BR><BR>
<TABLE width="100%">
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<TD><FONT face=sans-serif color=#5f5f5f size=1>From:</FONT>
<TD><FONT face=sans-serif size=1>"Rhea Dawn Mahar" <maharrd@gov.ns.ca></FONT>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD><FONT face=sans-serif color=#5f5f5f size=1>To:</FONT>
<TD><FONT face=sans-serif size=1><canufnet@list.web.net></FONT>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD><FONT face=sans-serif color=#5f5f5f size=1>Date:</FONT>
<TD><FONT face=sans-serif size=1>05/12/2010 06:48 PM</FONT>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD><FONT face=sans-serif color=#5f5f5f size=1>Subject:</FONT>
<TD><FONT face=sans-serif size=1>[CANUFNET] Shade policy including trees ( and or structures)</FONT></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>
<HR noShade>
<BR><BR><BR><TT><FONT size=2>Good day:<BR><BR>We have established a provincial committee here in Nova Scotia to raise awareness and perhaps link the need-for-shade- issue to local by-laws or policy etc. where appropriate. Do you have any knowledge of municipal level by-laws, guidelines or policy related to land use, parks, land development etc. that would be relevant to our work promoting shade and trees?<BR><BR>The intent is to help make the connection between our agenda of promoting shade, and the established standards that exist in municipalities for municipal councillors - make it doable, relating to existing expectations…where we can.<BR><BR>Regards,<BR><BR>_______________________<BR><BR>Rhea Dawn Mahar<BR>School Ground Greening Consultant<BR>Evergreen<BR>tel: (902) 424-3107<BR>fax: (902) 424-0732<BR>Email: maharrd@gov.ns.ca<BR><BR>PO Box 481 CRO<BR>Halifax, Nova Scotia <BR>Canada B3J 2R7<BR><BR>This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the Sender and delete all copies of this email. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Evergreen. The recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. Evergreen accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.<BR><BR></FONT></TT><BR><BR></BODY></HTML>