Hello fellow foresters/arborists:<br><br>I am in the process of preparing an article on the status and quality of tree protection bylaws in Ontario. What's working? What's not? Where could the most efficacious improvements be made? I would be interested in comments from folks who work with (or are affected by) these bylaws, be they consultants, inspectors, etc.... If you prefer to contact me in private, that is ok too. My article would respect your privacy/anonymity if you so choose. This is an opportunity to maybe help bring about some positive change or at least give this article a broader perspective than my own.<br>
<br>Looking forward to any replies,<br><br>Oliver K. Reichl, B.E.S.(Hons)<br>Consulting Arborist-Ecologist<br>ISA Certified Arborist #ON-1178A<br>18 Larue Mills Rd.<br>1000 Islands, ON K0E 1R0<br>Tel: 613-923-8833<br>Email: <a href="mailto:careofthetrees@gmail.com" target="_blank">careofthetrees@gmail.com</a><br>
Web: <a href="http://www.oliverkilian.com/treecare" target="_blank">www.oliverkilian.com/treecare</a><br><br>