<TITLE>Shout out for Canadian Tree Stories!</TITLE>
<FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:12pt'> CANADIAN HISTORY RETOLD - THROUGH TREE STORIES!<BR>
Do you have a tree story you wish other Canadians knew about? <BR>
Do you know of a tree story that contributes to our knowledge of our own Canadian history?<BR>
I would like to compile tree stories that help contribute to our appreciation of Canadian history. I need your help to do it.<BR>
This need not be a single tree, it might be a stand, or any other grouping of trees. There might be something quirky about a species – like Black Ash being grown specifically for use for sticks in our national game of lacrosse.<BR>
It could be something like the first incidence of urban forest civil action when in 1958 Winnipeg neighbourhood ladies surrounded a huge Elm tree to protect it from removal for road expansion. <BR>
-OR –<BR>
Why is there an oak leaf on the PEI flag but hardly any oaks in PEI? <BR>
The story of the 100 plus year old Kinsol trestle bridge in BC made out of Douglas Fir and still in use. <BR>
If you have a tree story that you wish other Canadians or visitors to Canada knew about, please contact me! If you can help me bring these historic tree stories to a wider audience, I will make the process as painless as possible! I will greatly appreciate it, and so will the trees! <BR>
Everyone contributing a story will be acknowledged in the final product.<BR>
Thank you,<BR>
Brenlee Robinson,<BR>
Master of Forest Conservation<BR>
Former Director, Ontario Urban Forest Council<BR>
<a href="Brenlee.robinson@gmail.com">Brenlee.robinson@gmail.com</a><BR>