<div dir="ltr"><div><div>Good morning everyone,<br><br>The City of London has recently tabled a private tree protection
bylaw which will provide additional protection for trees > 75cm DBH, and I am interested in better understanding how effective such a bylaw is likely to be in terms of improving canopy cover, as, on the one hand, we'll presumably see reduced cutting of large trees (and guaranteed replacement when they come down) but may see reduced planting in other yards if residents don't want to "tie up" their land (something we often find is a major hurdle with some industrial landowners).<br><br>I know that many other communities have private tree bylaws, but I haven't yet seen any
research assessing their overall impacts on canopy cover. Would anyone out there be aware of research along these lines, or, for those municipalities with private tree bylaws, have any of you actively monitored the impact on cutting vs. planting rates on residential lands following the implementation of the bylaw?<br><br></div>Many thanks!<br></div>Amber<br clear="all"><div><div><br></div></div></div>