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<p>Hello,<br /><br />Continuing the conversation on Tree Protection, the OUFC with help from Fleming<br />Students in 2015 has compiled a list of Ontario Municipalities that have/have<br />not any criteria for tree protection. Typically the students sought out<br />information on Street/Parks/Private Tree Bylaws and Heritage Districts.<br /><br /><br />If you are interested in finding out the tree status of a municipality in you<br />area respecting this topic, please email info@oufc.org. We can tailor a list for<br />your needs.<br /><br />Community group listing geographically is on our website, with links to the<br />groups who are interested in tree issues in your area. If you are contemplating<br />dialogue on policy/bylaws related to trees, then this web page should help you<br />find some possible support for the tree issues.<br /><br /><br /><a href="https://www.oufc.org/tree-education/community-action/">https://www.oufc.org/tree-education/community-action/</a></p>
<p><br />Sincerely,<br />Peter Wynnyczuk,<br />Executive Director,<br />Ontario Urban Forest Council<br />Empowering people.<br />Protecting trees.<br />Website: http://www.oufc.org/<br /><br />Email: info@oufc.org<br /><br />Cell: 416 399 4490<br /><br />http://www.oufc.org/shop/books-publications/<br /></p>