TO. Events: green revolutions, housing, solar, peace, CFD

angela bischoff greenspi at
Mon Sep 15 11:44:08 EDT 2008

Toronto Greenspiration Events


Green Revolutions, an evening of presentations on transportation options
in the face of climate change and rising fuel costs.  Jim Davidson, a
featured speaker at this year's Green Living Show, will be the main
presenter among others.

Tuesday, September 16.  Begins at 7:00 p.m.  Ends at 9:00 p.m.  

Ralph Thornton Centre, 765 Queen Street East, 2nd floor (south side of
Queen St. E. just 2 blocks east of Broadview Avenue ). 

All welcome.  Free admission.  
Sponsored by the non-profit community group, Next Generation.


Canada's first Pedal-Powered Dance Party!

Do you like cycling? Do you like music? Want to make history?
on Saturday, September 20

2007 JUNO Nominees Mr. Something Something celebrate International Car
Free Day by presenting Canada's first pedal-powered dance party at the
Evergreen Brick Works in the Don Valley. Bring your dancing shoes and your
bike, come pedal away to power the sound system for a song or two. Then
get your friends to do the same so that you can bust a move. 

"Serious" cyclists interested in doing 20 minutes or more of non-stop
sustained cycling are most welcome but might want to register in advance
by contacting Johan Hultqvist at
<mailto:itsjohan at>itsjohan at / 416-533-8663 ext1

In between Mr. Something Something sets fellow bike enthusiast Evalyn
Parry will premiere a musical performance piece revolving around a bicycle
as metaphor and prop. Representatives from many of the city's cycling
advocates and organizations will also be present to talk about grassroots
cycling initiatives happening in the city. 

Cycle, walk or take the free shuttle bus from Broadview station.
For directions, maps, schedules and more information go to

8am-1pm: Evergreen Brick Works Farmers' Market
10am-2pm: Conservation & Sustainability Fair
10am: Mr. Something Something 
11am Evalyn Parry
12 noon Mr. Something Something



Housing Not War Musical Protest

12:30 p.m. Sat. Sept. 20
Moss Park (Queen and Shutter)

Featuring: Faith Nolan, PARC Drummers, Mohammad Ali, and more

Replace the Armoury with Housing!
The Moss Park Amroury sits in one of Canada's poorest neighbourhoods,
surrounded by Toronto's highest concentration of homeless people. The
gov't trains 800 soldiers every month inside the armouryt while people
outside die without food and shelter.

** free meal and music and childcare **

For more info or for accessibility needs:
Toronto Disaster Relief Committee (TDRC)
416 599 8372
housingnotwar at


Solar Pool Party

Saturday, September 20th, 10 AM to 2 PM.
at Canada’s largest solar heated swimming pool located at the Jimmie
Simpson Recreation Centre
Queen St. E.)

Those interested in alternatives to high voltage transmission lines
through eastern Toronto can explore the potential of solar energy –
particularly solar hot water heating – at the City’s first Solar Pool
Party.  There will be workshops, demonstrations, neighbourhood solar tours
and a great line-up of kid’s activities, including making solar s’mores
and racing solar cars.

See for details.


Amnesty  International's Business and Human Rights group announces:

Saturday September 20th
at Metro Hall, 1 - 4.30 p.m.

1 p.m. panel -- Penetrating the World of Shareholder Action: Perspectives
on becoming an active Shareholder

Our speakers are Eugene Ellmen, Executive Director, Social Investment
Organization, Ian Heide, Chair of AI Canada's Business and Human Rights
Steering Committee  and Prof. Ben Richardson from Osgoode Hall Law
School . 

Following the discussion, we will break into smaller groups and have 4
workshops focussing on practical ways to integrate sri into your
investment strategy. We hope that the workshops will be participatory and
interactive. Workshops will be led by experienced SRI investment advisors.
Group 1 - for the novice investor
Group 2 - for those who have some investments and are looking for socially
responsible investment options
Group 3 - a more advanced discussion for those already invested in a
responsible manner
Group 4 - for those who would like to encourage their church, charity,
pension plan etc to move to sri 

A special thank you to our sponsor, Jantzi Research.

Please register by emailing: <mailto:business at>business at


Join Streets are for People! Bells on Bloor, Bike Pirates, Samba Elegua,
the Kensington Horns, the New Kings, Mr. Something Something and millions
of others around the globe in celebration of

WORLD CARFREE DAY - Sunday September 21, 2008


PARKING METER PARTIES - What can you do with a 6' x 12' parking space?
Queen St. west - from Bathurst St. to Trinity Bellwoods park - all day -
pay for a parking spot then breathe culture back into public space
normally used for car storage.  Bring a band and play music, have a
picnic, play games, whatever you like.  The space is yours for only

4pm - meet at Bloor and Spadina for a special critical mass style ride,
then join up with parade.

PARADE - 4th annual parade down Queen St.
4pm - meet at south gates of Trinity Bellwoods park
5pm - Parade east to Old City Hall.
Bring horns and bells and drums.  Bring your friends.  Bring your mums.
Bring bikes and trikes and things that are silly. Bring costumes and
banners and wings that are frilly. Bring sense of humour, and sense of
fun. We'll party like our team just won.  (ok-that's enough.  You get the

Don't miss the surprise when three parties meet.

Photo op: between 6pm and 7pm University Avenue at Queen Street.

Check for more info.



This International Peace Day, Sept. 21, thousands of young people around
the world will be building and flying giant Peace Doves. Dr. Jane Goodall
will be leading the way with a group of Peace Doves flown at UN
headquarters in New York. Please join us to ensure Canada's voice for
peace is heard!


10am - 2 pm
Hart House Circle then Queen's Park

Organized by Roots & Shoots Canada
in support of the UN International Day of Peace

 From 10 am to 12 pm we will be building giant peace doves. At noon we
will eat lunch and listen to inspirational speeches by local youth,
including <>Bilaal Rajan.

At approximately 1 pm, we will march to Queen's Park, to the beat of
African drumming, where we will fly our doves high to raise awareness
about the International Day of Peace.



In celebration of International Peace Day join us for a free yoga class:

Sun. Sept. 21
Dufferin Grove Park (south of Bloor)
2 p.m. - parents and kids practice together for a fun and interactive class
3 p.m. - adult class

No yoga experience necessary. Bring a mat or practice on the grass.

Rain location: West End YMCA (College and Dovercourt)

For more info: practiceforpeace at
Co-sponsored by Davenport Neighbours for Peace


Green City Bike Tours
Saturday September 27 @ 2pm

Join the Toronto Renewable Energy Co-operative in partnership with the
Community Bicycle Network for an exciting urban bike tour featuring
Toronto's progressive renewable energy initiatives.

During the many stops on the tour, you will have the chance to:

-          Visit North America's first urban wind turbine at the
Exhibition Place

-          Explore the largest PV array in Canada atop the Horse Palace

-          Learn about the unique science behind Enwave's lake water
cooling facility

-          Marvel at Mountain Equipment Co-op's lush green roof

-          Enjoy a firsthand look at a co-operative approach to solar
thermal energy at Arcadia Housing Co-op

Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to see Toronto in a new
light as spaces are filling up fast!

Cost: $15 per person includes guided tour and bike.

To register please call 416-977-5093 x 24 or contact us at
education at


Open Mic Cafe
Celebrate Peace and Justice in Song (totally acoustic)

Hosted by Mama D

7:30 p.m. Mondays
re-started Sept. 8
U of T Multi-Faith Centre (in the Koffler Institute, on Spadina north of

soup/chilli, bread and cheese -- suggested donation $4.50

Bring your own mug 'n bowl -- leave 'em -- we have the space to store them
and we can all be responsible to the environment


Eulogies for Tooker and Stories for a
healthy mind, body and planet
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