Greenspiration News: Oh Canada, our shame and native land

Angela Bischoff greenspi at
Tue Dec 13 09:50:44 EST 2011

Greenspiration News

Bike-friendly friends,

I'm selling beautiful bicycle wall calendars again this year. They're just 10 bucks (plus postage). They're produced by Montreal-based Cyclo Nord-Sud, an NGO that collects old bikes and sends them to lesser developed countries. So purchasing one raises funds for them as well as for advocacy for bike lanes on Bloor (Take the Tooker and Bells on Bloor). Buy some for your bicycle friends! Original, eco and useful. Send me your address and I'll get them to you. Blessings of the season...
-angela <greenspi at>
Oh Canada, our shame and native land,
True global love in all thy sons command.
With fearful hearts we see thee rise,

The tar sands strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we hang our heads for thee.
God keep our land honourable and green,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
 - Guy Dauncey
Canada Announces Exit From Kyoto Climate Treaty 
The Government of China calls it “regrettable”, the Chinese state news agency denounced it as “preposterous” and “an excuse to shirk responsibility”, but Tuvalu’s Ian Fry says it best: “For a vulnerable country like Tuvalu, its an act of sabotage on our future.” It’s a “reckless and totally irresponsible act.”

“It’s a national disgrace. Prime Minister Harper just spat in the faces of people around the world for whom climate change is increasingly a life and death issue. We are now the only country in the world to sign and ratify the Kyoto Protocol and officially withdraw from our commitment to the planet.” - Graham Saul, Executive Director of Climate Action Network Canada

"The Harper government has imposed a death sentence on many of the world's most vulnerable populations by pulling out of Kyoto. The decision to leave Kyoto behind destabilizes the promise of action on the climate crisis. This is a further signal that the Harper government is more concerned about protecting polluters than people." - Mike Hudema , Greenpeace Canada climate and energy campaigner

Canada Wins Fossil of the Year Award in Durban - Canadians in Durban hold moment of silence for the fifth Colossal Fossil in a row

Canadian Youth Ejected from COP17 – Turn their backs on the Canadian gov’t during opening speech. They got more applause than the Env. Minister! “Our so-called Environment Minister entered these talks by going on record that he would be defending the tar sands. I have yet to hear him say that he's here to defend my future,” said James Hutt, one of the youth delegates who participated in the action.
Naomi Klein’s Inconvenient Climate Conclusions

Fact Check on Kyoto Distortions – by Elizabeth May
Where Were You When They Crucified My Movement? By Chris Hedges
#Occupy Bat Signal for the 99% - Wow, it’s a good time to be alive!
Mic Check! Ohio Students Interrupt Gas Industry – 3 min. video – great activism

#OccupyTTC - 3 min. video

Pre-Occupied - The origins and future of Occupy Wall Street. The New Yorker
Conspire to Resist - 7 min. video with the G20 defendants, in their own words.

G20 charges dropped against 11 as 6 plead guilty
A tribunal in Malaysia applies the Nuremberg Principles to brand Bush and Blair as war criminals - A tribunal in Malaysia, spearheaded by that nation’s former Prime Minister, yesterday found George Bush and Tony Blair guilty of “crimes against peace” and other war crimes for their 2003 aggressive attack on Iraq, as well as fabricating pretexts used to justify the attack.

Canadian First Nations sue Shell for tar sands destruction

CETA is about ownership and control not efficiency and competitiveness
Why one in four women is on psych meds. - Can so many women really be mentally ill?

For Some, Psychiatric Trouble May Start in Thyroid - Women are far more likely to develop thyroid problems than men

The Hidden Toll of Traffic Jams - Scientists Increasingly Link Vehicle Exhaust With Brain-Cell Damage, Higher Rates of Autism
She's Alive... Beautiful... Finite... Hurting... Worth Dying for – 5 min. video – wow!

Eulogies and Condolences for Tooker
and Stories of ecology and activism
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