T.O. Greenspiration Events: tools for conviviality

Angela Bischoff greenspi at web.ca
Sun Aug 5 16:48:10 EDT 2012

T.O. Greenspiration Events

Pass this onto a friend! -a


Adventures in Slumberland

July 1 - Aug. 26 - Wed. - Sun. 11:15 a.m., 12:15 p.m., 1:15 p.m, and 2:15 p.m. (weather permitting)
Lagoon Theatre, Centre Island
$10 or paywhatyouthink

Prepare to be amazed as the delightful and bizarre dream world of a little boy named Nemo is brought to life before you. This family show is an adaptation of Little Nemo in Slumberland, a weekly comic created by Winsor McCay from 1905-1912, still regarded as one of the greatest comic strips of all time. With puppetry, circus, masks & music Frolick Theatre invites people of all ages to get away to Centre Island this summer. 



First Peoples Cinema: 1500 Nations, One Tradition Retrospective
with speakers, films, exhibitions and special events

running until August 11 at TIFF Bell Lightbox (King and John St.)


Tools for Conviviality
June 30 - August 26
The Power Plant, Harbourfront

Bringing together artists and practices that create and engage tools to effect change and reconsider social behaviour, Tools for Conviviality includes works that are interactive as well as mechanisms towards self-help, political shifts, ritual devices, potential weapons, and means for critique.



Dialectical Naturalism: Marx's Ecology

Tuesdays Aug 7, 14, 21 and 28, 7 - 9 p.m.
OISE at 252 Bloor St. W., room 5-260 

The Foundation for Social Economics is proud to offer a participatory four-week workshop on the historical development of Dialectical Naturalism, the practical and scientific understanding of the essential relationship between humanity and nature as first formulated by Karl Marx in 1844. This achievement of Marx’s is perhaps his most poorly understood, and yet, of all his ideas, it is arguably the most vitally relevant to confronting today’s pressing global concerns. In this paradigm-shifting workshop, you will be introduced to a Marx you may never have known existed. With the use of visuals, facilitated discussion and carefully selected excerpts from the works of Hegel, Feuerbach, Marx and Engels that form the foundation of Marx’s science—what we would today call an ecology—you will gain rare new insight, not only on history’s most infamous thinker, but also on the roots of the ecological crisis that grips the earth to this day.

The suggested donation is $60 and pre-registration is required as space is limited. 
All queries can be sent to thefse at thefse.org. 
Facilitated by Heather J. Walker and Christian M. Whittall.
Supplemental readings are entirely optional and absolutely no prior exposure to the subject matter is necessary. 
Please visit thefse.org for further details. 
Register here: dianat-efbevent.eventbrite.com


Tar Sands Fast-Forward
Wed. Aug. 8, 6:30 p.m.
Friends House, 60 Lowther (St. George subway)

To the Tarsands - an hour long documentary on the 1300 km bike tour by 19 young environmentalists to Fort McMurray.
We will also screen ‘A Date with History’ talk by Brittany Trilford of Wellington, New Zealand, who addressed 130 heads of state at the opening plenary of the Rio + 20 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  
The Canadian gov’t, it’s just been revealed, is worried that enviro protests could ‘landlock’ Alberta bitumen. As part of an attempt to keep the pressure on, the Toronto Climate Campaign has joined the worldwide Fast for the Earth, intending to focus on the tar sands. The aim is to have someone fasting every day somewhere on the planet. This is the local kickoff.

www.climatefast.ca   www.fastfortheearth.com 
Climatechangetoronto at gmail.com

Cocktails and Comedy

Wed. Aug. 8, 5 p.m. - 10 p.m., comedy show at 8 p.m.
70 Alexander Street, corner of Church and Alexander

Hilarious new collection of sketches, songs, and improvisations by Toronto's legendary comedy troupe Second City.

TriAdventure is annual event where athletes complete a 3km swim, 15km run, 15km canoe, and 140km cycle to raise money for Nikibasika Learning & Development Project. Nikisbasika is a home for 51 vulnerable children in Kasese, Uganda who have been impacted by HIV/AIDS or civil war. The TriAdventure has become these kid’s primary source of funding for food, shelter and education.



The Chocolate Farmer
“Without the land, we will cease to exist.”

Wed. August 8, 4 p.m.
At the National Film Board (NFB) (John and Richmond)

In an unspoiled corner of southern Belize, cacao farmer and father Eladio Pop manually works his plantation in the tradition of his Mayan ancestors: as a steward of the land. A tender and moving family tale, director Rohan Fernando’s lush cinematic journey intimately captures a year in the life of the Pop family as they struggle to preserve their values in a world that is suddenly and dramatically changing. A lament for cultures lost, this timely and vital film challenges our deeply held assumptions of progress.

Rohan Fernando | NFB | 2010 | 71 minutes


Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day 2012 – Toronto: For a Nuclear Weapons-Free World
Speakers, prayers, performances.  

Thur. Aug. 9, 6:15 – 9 p.m.
Church of the Holy Trinity (behind Eaton’s Centre off Bay)
A modern nuclear war — even if limited to a single region such as South Asia — could cause between 5 million and 30 million deaths and have devastating effects on our planet, leading to critical cooling of the global climate for over a decade and ozone depletion. As world resources become scarce, potential for conflict over water, food and fuel will increase, as will the threat of use of nuclear weapons. Through examining the devastation of the atomic bombs, it becomes clear that living under the threat of nuclear weapons is no longer an option.

Presentations by,
- Peggy Nash, M.P. (Parkdale-High Park)
- Ilario Maiolo (International Red Cross
- Joe Ohori, Atomic Bomb Survivor
- Joy Kogawa (Order of Canada), author and activist
- Zul Kassamali, TAIC President
- The famous Yakudo Drummers, the Raging Grannies, Sokka Gakkai Youth Choir; Flautist Ron Korb

Also: Aug. 8 – 11, Toronto City Hall – photo and art exhibit



Green Roof Gathering - New Green Roof Technologies

Thursday, August 9th, 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Carrot Common, 348 Danforth Av. - 2nd Floor (1/2 block west of Chester Subway Station)
Cost: Admission is $20 for GRHC members, and $30 for non-members. Drink and appetizers included.

- Joris Voeten is a Concept Manager at SHFT, a sustainable design firm in Tilburg, Holland. With over 10 years experience in Urban Forestry, Mr. Voeten works on the development of functional and innovative green systems for buildings and cities, such as the Green Energy Roof, Urban Tree Tops, Eco[W]all and the Constructed Wetroof.
- Jelle Vonk is the Business Manager at ZinCo Canada Inc. Mr. Vonk will be speaking about the integration of photovoltaic systems and green roofs.


Learn to Make Natural Lotions, Potions & Creams from Scratch!

Lotions Level 1 - Thursday August 9, 10 am - 4 pm
Lotions Level II Advanced - Friday August 10 or Monday, August 13th
For more info and to register: http://www.anarreshealth.ca/node/1298


Asian Immigrants in Two Canadas - Racialization, Marginalization and Deregulated Work
Book Launch by Dr. Habiba Zaman, Simon Fraser University

Friday, August 10, 5 - 7 p.m.
OISE Room 5230, 252 Bloor St. West (above St. George subway station)
Venue is wheelchair accessible

Canada is experiencing a major demographic shift, with two-thirds of the population in major cities predicted to belong to racialized groups, particularly Asian newcomers, by 2031. But how are these immigrants faring in this new Canada? Employing the International Labour Organization’s concept of “basic security” and the voices of immigrants themselves, Asian Immigrants in “Two Canadas” demonstrates that their security–such as work, job, employment and voice and representation–has been compromised in multi-dimensional ways. Changes to immigration policy and the neoliberal restructuring of the Employment Standards Act in British Columbia have led to further marginalization within the labour market and the creation of deregulated and hazardous workplaces – resulting in the emergence of “two Canadas” within the Canadian welfare state. Representing a diverse group of immigrants, this book demonstrates a shared experience of precariousness and insecurity – an experience that has led to a broad-based alliance of Asian immigrant workers aimed at addressing workplace security and rights.


Prisoners' Justice Day

Fri. Aug. 10, 6 - 9:30 p.m.
Don Jail (Gerrard and Broadview)



37th International Prisoners Justice Day
This year’s  focus: Women in Prison

Fri. August 10, 11am. - 5 pm.
Church of the Holy Trinity (behind the Eaton Centre)
Free Event - Everyone Welcome

Host: Michelle Latimer
    Janis Cole, filmmaker “P4W”, “Shaggie: Letters from Prison”
    Shoshana Pollack, Inside Out Prison Exchange Program, Wilfrid Laurier University
    Janet Ritch, Author, Advocate  for the rights of women in prison.

Networking, Support & Information Sharing


2012 Food Forward Awards and Second Anniversary Party

Sat. Aug. 11
3 p.m. bike tour - meet at People's Peas Garden, NW Queens Park
7 p.m. party - Bento Miso, #300, 862 Richmond St. West

Our largest, and one of the best good food events of the summer, join us in celebrating two years of Food Forward and all that we've accomplished together. Whether you're a Food Forward regular, or it's your first event, come learn more and participate in Toronto's incredible food movement... network with movers and shakers in good food policy, business, and community.

Get your ticket: http://pushingforward.eventbrite.com/


Worker's Struggle Amidst Neoliberal Globalization - Conference

Saturday, August 11 & Sunday, August 12
United Steelworkers Hall, 25 Cecil Street (near College and Spadina)
Registration fee is $20 (including meals and conference materials)
Register: http://bit.ly/workersconference

The heightening exploitation brought upon the capitalist crisis provides a fertile ground upon which to build solidarity and heighten our collective resistance as workers against capitalism’s all-out attacks on working peoples in Canada and beyond.
Organized by the Counterspin secretariat (CPFC & allies)

For more information, contact the Conference Secretariat:
Bryan Taguba, (416) 519-2553 or siklab-on at magkaisacentre.org or www.magkaisacentre.org


2nd Annual Zeitgeist Media Festival and Global Food Drive

Sunday, August 12, 1 pm - 8 pm
El Gordo , 214 Augusta Ave, Kensington Market  

Bands, soloists and dramatic artists for the main stage and visual art for exhibition by individuals/groups, all who specialize in socially conscious themes or practice this philosophy in their approach to their craft. Utilizing the power of art and media to help change the world, the 2nd Annual Zeitgeist Media Festival (ZMF) and Global Food Drive bridges the artistic and activist communities in the hope to inspire change. This FREE festival is organized by volunteers in the Zeitgeist Toronto chapter to help unite local communities through socially and environmentally conscious art and to celebrate human creative potential. 

Admission for the public is ONE NON-PERISHABLE FOOD item for donation to Scott Mission.
The event is fully licensed. This is a family event so, everybody is encouraged to assist.
Global site: http://ow.ly/c13Op
Facebook (please RSVP) https://www.facebook.com/events/384192218312392/


Black Bird Liberation Cinema / Letter Writing Night 
for Kelly Pflug Back & All G20 Toronto Political Prisoners

Sunday, August 12th 
6 p.m. – Free (Vegan/Vegetarian) Meal 
6:30 p.m. – Letter Writing (Begins) for Kelly Pflug Back and All G20 Toronto Political Prisoners
7:30 p.m. – Radical Film Night! 
Harvest Noon Cafe, GSU, U of T, 16 Bancroft Ave. (near Spadina and College)

Mapuche & Anti-Authoritarian Documentary Shorts:
“MAPUCHES” + “A UN AÑO DE LA MASACRE EN LA CÁRCEL DE SAN MIGUEL” [“The First Anniversary of the San Miguel Prison Massacre”]
FEATURE FILM: “LA NOCHE DE LOS LAPICES” [“The Night of the Pencils”]
**All Films in Spanish with English Subtitles**

This Prisoner’s Justice Week, we will be remembering our friends, comrades, and political prisoners by not only extending our affection through the written word, but also by looking at the past through film and educate ourselves on those who gave and continue to give their lives for the struggle. 



Changing of the Seasons Gathering in Temagami
with Earthroots

Over the weekend of September 15th, 2012 Alex Mathias, an Ojibway Elder, will host his annual Changing of the Seasons Ceremony to celebrate the fall equinox on his traditional family territory in the Temagami region of Ontario.



Toronto Urban Agriculture Summit
August 15 - 18

Around the world people are growing food in cities! The Urban Agriculture Summit features a comprehensive lineup of workshops,
keynote speakers panels, tours, and  professional development opportunities. 

Click here to see some of the Summit's enlightening speakers. http://urbanagsummit.org/index.php/program/keynotesandsessions 
Register: http://www.urbanagsummit.org/index.php/registration-holder 


Eulogies and Condolences for Tooker
and Stories of ecology and activism
Join my email list by emailing Angela at:
greenspiration at web.ca
Write "subscribe" in the subject line
and tell me what city/country you live in

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