No Nukes News: Ford fails already

Angela Bischoff angela at
Fri Jun 22 12:41:03 EDT 2018


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June 22, 2018☢  Rally to Close PIckering Join the call to close of the Pickering nuclear station in August when its license expires. Rally outside the CNSC hearing to extend Pickering's licence yet another 10 years. Tues. June 26, 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. Pickering Recreation Complex.   Ontario

☢ Ford fails to seize opportunity to lower Ontario’s electricity costs by $1.1 billion per year Ford’s commitment to run Pickering many more years beyond its design life does not make financial sense for Ontario’s electricity consumers. It also endangers millions of people that live near the aging station. And as for jobs, we could create 32,000 person years of employment over the next 14 years by decommissioning the station.☢ Solar companies may exit Ontario for Alberta after Doug Ford kills rebate program Incoming Ontario premier Doug Ford is eliminating that province's GreenON program, which provided incentives for solar panels and conservation. "There was a ton of investment coming into Ontario. All of that money in Ontario is going to Alberta right now." ☢ What is OPG really up to at Pickering? OPG has planned for enough waste storage to allow it to continue operating the reactors for up to 22 years beyond 2024 – to keep this 50-year-old nuclear station operating until 2046! Please send a note to OPG President and CEO Jeffrey Lyash <jeffrey.lyash at>, asking why they’re planning to have enough spent fuel storage capacity to allow the Pickering Nuclear Station to continue to operate until 2046 while publicly committing to close it in 2024.☢ The CNSC (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission) will be holding public hearings on the 10-year relicencing of the Pickering Nuclear Station – June 25 - 29. View the schedule of speakers here. Read some of the excellent submissions here, including ours. Attend in person at the Pickering Rec Complex, or watch the hearing livestreamed here. OCAA is presenting Wed. June 27 in the morning. And/or attend the rally on Tues. June 26, 12:30 – 1:30 at the Pickering Rec Complex.The World

☢ ‘Week of the White Elephants’ Sees Canada, U.S., UK Waste Billions on Nuclear and Fossil Megaprojects “Just the three sad acts by the U.S., UK, and Canadian governments considered here... would be set to waste the equivalent of some 10% of the global renewables investment pool.”☢ Here’s Why Trump’s New Strategy to Keep Ailing Coal and Nuclear Plants Open Makes No Sense The bailouts will “undermine competitive regional power markets, burden customers with excess costs and undercut state energy laws and policies, and exacerbate pollution and public health harms." The nuclear bailouts alone could cost up to $17b/yr and destroy the renewables industry.☢ Raging wildfires around Chernobyl finally extinguished A forest fire that had raged for three days last week in the restricted zone around Chernobyl, scene of the world’s worst nuclear accident in 1986, was extinguished with no detected increase in radiation in the air, authorities in Ukraine said.☢ The problems with Japan’s Plutonium: What are they and how do we deal with them? Plutonium disposal is a global problem, with more than half of the existing separated plutonium being produced as a result of civilian reprocessing, the rest produced for military purposes.☢ Cesium from Fukushima flowed to Tokyo Bay for 5 years ☢ Chernobyl contaminating cow milk 30 years after nuclear meltdown The lingering nuclear fallout from 1986 means farmers are unwittingly producing milk with radioactive caesium levels 5 times above the Ukraine safety standard.Renewables and Conservation

☼ Desert solar to bring power to 250 million Africans There is a huge potential to transform deserts into sources of energy and avoid dependence on fossil fuels.☼ The Indian women lighting the way for change In India's desert state of Rajasthan, 1000 rural women are becoming the surprise agents of change, convincing coal-reliant communities to switch to solar.☼ Lowest public solar power contract in the United States: 2.49¢/kWh Arizona’s largest power user has approved a 20-year power contract with a 30 MW solar project at 2.49¢/kWh, the lowest price for a public solar power contract to date. The deal also involves shutting down a coal plant.☼ How we can use wind power when there's no wind Sharing, storing and shifting power lets us wave goodbye to giant polluting power plants - and unlock renewable energy's true potential - whatever the weather. 3 min. videoTake Action! ☢ Sign our petitions to Close Pickering and to Buy Quebec Power. And share them with your friends. Watch our 2 min. video here.☢ Can you spare a few hours to leaflet blitz your neighbourhood mailboxes? Help us make the closure of the Pickering nuclear station a public issue. Contact: angela at☢ Support Saugeen Ojibway Nation's right to prior consent on the Bruce nuclear rebuild Petition opposing the Bruce nuclear rebuild.

☢ Stop OPG's  Nuclear Waste Dump Before It's Too Late Learn more about OPG’s nuke waste dump proposal in Kincardine, ON, and write Minister McKenna, Premier Wynne and PM Trudeau here.

☢ Tell the Japanese government: don’t dump nuclear waste into the ocean! Petition

☢ Order your free KI (anti-thyroid-cancer) pills here if you live within 50 km of an ON nuclear facility - that includes all of Toronto and beyond. Download your anti-thyroid cancer posters hereto post in your office, school, or local cafe.
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