No Nukes News: Green New Deal

Angela Bischoff angela at
Thu Apr 11 16:24:54 EDT 2019


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April 11, 2019☢ Help us leaflet blitz Ford Nation. For more info: angela at

☢ And please sign our petition to replace high cost ON nuke rebuilds with low-cost water QC water power.  xxxx 
The World

☢ Nuclear power is not a viable solution for Green New Deal  As momentum around the Green New Deal turns into concrete proposals, we must acknowledge that nuclear power is a discredited and dishonest distraction, not a solution - it’s too expensive, too dangerous and dirty, and takes too long to deploy.

☢ Nuclear power excluded from EU’s green investment label The European Parliament voted to exclude nuclear power, fossil fuels and gas infrastructure from receiving a green stamp of approval on financial markets.

☢ First Nations oppose radioactive waste burial and development of SMNRs (Small Modular Nuclear Reactors) Anishinabek Nation Chiefs, Iroquois Caucus and Assembly of First Nations stand united in opposing plans of Natural Resources Canada to move forward with SMNRs while exempting them from Environmental Assessments. They are also opposing radioactive waste abandonment in their territories.

☢ Small modular nuclear reactors are dead on non-arrival Despite heavy promotion, SMRs are too expensive and there are no buyers. See factsheet here.

☢ China’s losing its taste for nuclear power Shifting toward renewables and away from nuclear is a sound business strategy. As China’s nuclear ambitions wind down, it may be the nail in the coffin for the technology’s viability elsewhere.
☢ Newborn heart problems surged after Fukushima nuke disaster There was a significant increase in the number of infants in Japan who had surgery for complex congenital heart disease after the nuclear accident in Fukushima. After the 1986 nuclear accident in Chernobyl, Ukraine, there was a similar rise in congenital heart disease in neighboring countries.

☢ Brazil's Previous Prez Indicted on Charges Involving Nuclear Plant Bribes  

☢ NukeGate Investigation: Full Speed Ahead South Carolina’s spectacularly failed gov't intervention in the nuclear power industry is now in the hands of lawyers charging $9 mill/yr. The 2 reactors were never completed, and rate payers are left holding the bag. And in Georgia, taxpayers are on hook for $12 billion nuclear boondoggle.

☢ If You Cannot Trust Saudis With Bone Saw, 'You Should Not Trust Them With Nuclear Weapons' Trump administration's secret authorizations of nuclear technology sales to Saudi Arabia spark alarm in Congress. Saudi Arabia's first nuclear reactor nearly finished, sparking fears over safeguards.Ontario

☢ SNC's fate could affect nuclear security The biggest impact of SNC not doing business in Canada would be on Ontario, not Quebec. SNC is contracted at Bruce, Pickering, Darlington and Chalk River. If they’re out of the picture, we’ll have to rely on US companies.

☢ How safe is the Ottawa River from nuclear waste? A proposed permanent radioactive waste dump at Chalk River Laboratories on the Ottawa River raises questions about the future safety of the water used by hundreds of thousands of people.

☢ 44-Megawatt Nanticoke Solar Farm Goes Online, Marking One-Year Anniversary of the Day the Coal Towers Fell From coal to solar! The solar farm on the former site of the Nanticoke coal-fired generation station has gone into service with precisely 192,431 solar panels across 460 acres sending 44 megawatts to the Ontario grid, marking the one-year anniversary of the demolition of the plant’s 650-foot smokestacks.Renewables and Conservation

☼ Renewables prove their power Scores of computer simulations of electricity grids show that 100% renewable electricity systems can be reliable. Already places such as Denmark and South Australia have operated entirely on variable renewables for periods of hours to days proving base-load power stations unnecessary.

☼ Huge Global Study Just Smashed One of The Last Major Arguments Against Renewables Scientists have identified 530,000 sites worldwide suitable for pumped-hydro energy storage, capable of storing more than enough energy to power the entire planet.

☼ Renewables Make Decarbonization $15 Trillion Cheaper, Promise $160 Trillion in Savings by 2050 The plummeting cost of solar and wind farms, coupled with government policies driving faster electrification, has cut the cost of reaching global climate goals by US$15 trillion in the last year. IRENA asserts that countries can shave up to $160 trillion through 2050 in “health, subsidy, and climate-related savings”, including $10 trillion just by reducing fossil fuel subsidies

☼ Rethinking the Future – Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation Get a dose of hope from watching Tony Seba’s presentation on energy disruption.Take Action!

☢ Please contact Premier Ford and ask him to buy low-cost Quebec water power and cancel the high-cost Darlington Re-Build Project. Text his cell phone # is 416-805-2156 or email him at Doug.Ford at Click here to email him now. And please sign and share the petition here.

☢ Volunteers needed: We're leafletting mailboxes in Doug Ford's hood of N. Etobicoke. Can you join the group blitzes -- or go out in your own anywhere in ON? If so, please contact angela at

☢ Petition to Premier Ford for the production of EVs Premier Ford must develop a strategy to ensure that Ontario rapidly becomes a world leader in the production and use of EVs (electric vehicles) and other low-carbon technologies.

☢ Canadian Government must protect our rivers from radioactive waste Please sign the petition to protect the Ottawa and Winnipeg Rivers currently threatened by three Canadian Nuclear Laboratories’ (CNL’s) nuclear waste dump proposals.Events

☢ Rally for Climate Action Mon. April 15, 12:30 - 1:30 pm, Osgoode Hall (corner of Queen and University), Toronto. The ON Gov't is going to court to undermine Canada's plan to tackle climate change. Join us for a rally to tell ON to stop wasting our money in court and to start fighting climate change now.

☢ How Well Can Heat Pumps Work For You? Webinar Thur. May 2, noon - 1 p.m.

☢ Nuclear Weapons: The Untold Story With Linda McQuaig and Doug Roche. Thur. April 25, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Chelsea Hotel, 33 Gerrard St, Toronto.

☢ Affordable Energy: Are We There Yet? Low-Income Energy Network (LIEN) Conference Tuesday, May 14, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Toronto. Let’s take stock of current energy assistance programs and ensure that they meet the needs of low-income consumers in a manner that is equitable, sustainable, and holistic.

☢ Global Antinuclear Social Forum Madrid, Spain May 31 – June 2, 2019

☢ Protest Flotilla to Protect the Ottawa River Sat. July 27 Join us for a family-friendly Flotilla Protest against the federal government and its negligence in regulating the irresponsible proposals made by SNC Lavalin and other multinationals to build low-budget radioactive waste dumps on the shores of the Ottawa River at Chalk River and Rolphton.

☢ International Anti-nuclear Summer Camp 2019 Join the gathering on August 12-18 in Germany for networking, exchanging of experiences and knowledge regarding nuclear policies, skill sharing, preparing common campaigns, actions and projects.
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