Greenspiration News & Events: Climate Apocalypse Now

Angela Bischoff - OCAA angela at
Tue Sep 8 00:10:37 EDT 2020



I’m back with my weekly Greenspiration newsletter. I hope you all had a beautiful summer filled with nature and good health. 

Submissions, subscribes, unsubscribes, and comments: angela at







Imagine the Future

3 min. video. Climate activist Xiye Bastida invites you to imagine the future we must - and can - create: The air is clean. Traffic is cut right down. We don't burn fossil fuels any more. Cities are sanctuaries for wildlife and nature. Farming is all regenerative. If we can't imagine a way out of the climate crisis, it just can't happen.


Feminist Green New Deal Principles


How Fascism Works: Trump’s “Law & Order” Is Lawlessness, Fueling Racist Violence & Chaos


The End of Oil? Pandemic Adds to Fossil Fuel Glut, But COVID-19 Relief Money Flows to Oil Industry







Climate Apocalypse Now: Venus, Anyone?

Excellent piece by former Green Party leader and renowned climate activist Elizabeth May. 

The UK has reduced GHGs by 40% below 1990 levels. The entire EU is well on track to the 40% reductions. Canada, on the other hand, has increased GHG emissions by nearly 21% above our 1990 levels! What gives, Canada?? COVID does create an unprecedented opportunity to set a new course. As International Energy Agency ED has said, the world has a “once in a lifetime opportunity” to pour investment dollars into renewable energy and energy efficiency. Investing in a post-fossil fuel world is the best move for restoring a healthy economy.


6 Principles for a Just Recovery

- Put people’s health and wellbeing first. No exceptions

- Strengthen the social safety net and provide relief directly to people

- Prioritize the needs of workers and communities

- Build resilience to prevent future crises

- Build solidarity and equity across communities, generations, and borders

- Uphold Indigenous Rights and work in partnership with Indigenous peoples


Support Guaranteed Livable Basic Income 

On August 10th, 2020, MP Leah Gazan submitted a motion to convert the CERB into a permanent Guaranteed Livable Basic Income. The motion comes out of a collaborative effort with Basic Income Manitoba and the Basic Income Canada Network. Read the full text of M-46 and add your name here.   


No New Fighter Jets - Stop the $19 Billion Fighter Jet Purchase

The Canadian government has launched a $19 billion competition for 88 new fighter jets. This fighter jet procurement is the second most expensive procurement in Canadian history. Invest in a Green New Deal and Just Recovery instead!


75th Anniversary of Hiroshima & Nagasaki - Canada Must Sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons







We need to phase out Ontario’s gas-fired power plants, not ramp them up - my op ed in the Toronto Star and Niagara Falls Review

Doug Ford plans to ramp up gas-fired power plants more than 300% in the next 5 years. The good news is that the gov't has plenty of better options for keeping the lights on, from restoring energy efficiency programs and importing low-cost water power from Quebec to ending its irrational attacks on renewable energy.


Sign the petition and send a letter to Premier Ford and all ON Party leaders here calling for a phase out of Ontario's gas fired power plants and replacement with conservation, water power from QC and made-in-ON wind and solar.







Tell John Tory, Tenants Need Rent Relief


Toronto G20 Summit Class Actions Settlement 

If you were detained or arrested during the 2010 G20 Summit in Toronto, you may be eligible for monetary and/or non-monetary remedies from this class action Settlement.    


NOW Readers' Choice is inviting Nominations

In the Cityscape section, please consider voting in the Best Activist Campaign category: "Phase Out Ontario's Gas Power Plants" 

Vote here:

Learn more about the Gas plant phase out campaign, signed by 38 groups, here:


Looking to share a house/space with other community-minded, progressive, eco-conscious people in the core of downtown Toronto. Budget around $800 but willing to discuss ANY ideal fit.  Contact: Pei.  ~  416.732.8965  ~  pei.czech at







Green & Just Recovery Twitterstorm

Wed. Sept. 9, all day

The federal government is about to give the Canadian economy a multi-billion-dollar kick-start in an effort to recover from the COVID-19 health crisis. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to build back a more just, sustainable, and healthy Canada -- a Canada that works for everyone, not just the few. But big polluters are pushing the federal government to funnel recovery spending into their pockets instead. With the federal government about to lay out its recovery priorities in the September 23rd Throne Speech, we don’t have a moment to waste. Join the online Day of Action and help pressure politicians to implement a green and just recovery! Watch this space for sample text to use in your posts.





Fighting Racism, Ending Inequality, and Winning the Green New Deal

Wed. Sept. 9, 8 pm EST

How can we win the Green New Deal and rapidly transform our economy to avert climate catastrophe while securing economic and racial justice for all? A discussion on why winning a Green New Deal requires confronting both inequality and the right-wing's strategic racism.





A New Deal for Planetary Health Webinar

Wed. Sept. 9, 4:15 - 5:45 p.m. EST

Explore planetary health thinking to reimagine food, energy, placemaking, and the economy in ways that can leads to a convergence of human wellbeing and the protection of natural systems. Roosevelt’s New Deal led the economy from the depths of depression and can provide lessons for a new planetary health deal.





COVID-19 and the Environment: Behaviour, Policy and Implications for Sustainability

Wed. Sept. 9, noon EST

This presentation will focus on impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the environment. It will discuss the effects on human behaviour, such as reduced travel, related fossil fuel use and emissions due to remote work arrangements vs. the potential for declines in the use of low-carbon transportation options, particularly public transit, and moves in the direction of lower density, more sprawling urban forms. York Prof. Mark Winfield will also discuss the changes in environmental law, regulations and policies that have been made in the context of the pandemic, and the extent to which they further embed unsustainable activities and behaviours or move a post-pandemic recovery in the direction of sustainability.





Canada’s place in the world: Green Party of Canada Leadership Debate

Thus. Sept. 10, 7 p.m. EST

Join us for a Green Party leadership candidates’ debate on Canada’s place in the world. Hear candidates’ views on Palestinian rights, Venezuela, NATO, the global climate crisis, as well as the international mining and arms industries. Candidates will also address the global pandemic, Donald Trump, tensions with China as well as the global struggle against anti-Blackness and Canada’s second consecutive failure to win a seat on the UN Security Council. Sponsored by and Canadian Foreign Policy Institute.   





Introduction to Passive House

Thur. Sept. 10, 1 - 2 p.m. EST

Find out how to renovate your home to save money, increase comfort, and protect the environment and your family's health.





Is there a Magic Money Tree?  

with Radhika Desai, Professor, Department of Political Studies, University of Manitoba, and discussants 

Thursday, September 10, 7 p.m. EST





Online Organizing - Insights from Canada's Top Activists about organizing online

Thur. Sep 10, 7 p.m. EST

Three of Canada’s most dynamic and successful activists will be sharing tips and best practices about how they, despite the challenges and setbacks presented by COVID, have successfully organized and mobilized their supporters. Sponsored by the Toronto Public Library Workers Union.





Sixty Minutes with Reinhardt Bütikofer of the German Alliance 90/The Greens

Fri. Sept. 11, 1:15 - 2:15 p.m. EST

The diplomats will discuss the future of US-EU relations, the EU’s response to the crisis in Belarus, EU-China relations, energy and climate and issues of democracy in the transatlantic community.





Veg Food Fest 

Fri. - Sun. September 11 - 13

This virtual festival will have a welcome page with some exciting videos from speakers and performers. You can then navigate around the festival and have an overview of the various vendor booths available. There will also be discussions with renowned speakers, cooking demos, and a special live concert on the Saturday of the festival.





What to do about Climate Change? Green Party of Canada Leadership Debate

Friday Sept. 18, 7 – 8:30 EST

There is a heated race to choose a replacement for Elizabeth May as the Leader of the Green Party of Canada. Eight candidates are vying for the top job. Join us for an all-candidates’ dialogue to learn where the candidates stand on climate solutions, energy, carbon pricing, the Green New Deal, just-recovery and more.

Climate change has become almost a motherhood issue, with all major parties now acknowledging the need for action on climate.  How is the Green Party different and how will it drive real -- rather than aspirational -- change? 

Register for event here:

Learn more about the candidates and the leadership race here:  

Facebook Event page to share:

Sponsored by: Ontario Clean Air Alliance and Moderated by Angela Bischoff





For the best Canadian climate and energy news, read and subscribe to the Energy Mix newsletter   


And for the best global climate perspective: DESMOG - Clearing the PR Pollution that clouds climate science


Democracy Now Daily Show - my source for global peace, justice and enviro news









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