No Nukes News: Racist, sexist, ageist

Angela Bischoff - OCAA angela at
Wed Jul 20 10:23:06 EDT 2022


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The World

☢ Nuclear Power is Racist, Sexist and Ageist: So Why Do Some Progressives Support It? A truly progressive energy policy looks forward, not back. If we are to address our climate crisis in time, and with justice and equality, then we must ensure a Just Transition that considers the most vulnerable among us.

☢ Russia storing weapons in European nuclear plant Russia is using Europe’s largest nuclear power plant, Zaporizhzhia, as a base to store weapons, including “missile systems”, and shell surrounding areas in Ukraine, an official with Kyiv’s nuclear agency said.

☢ Russian invaders abduct 3 top nuclear safety officials amid reports they are launching missile strikes from Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant This is bafflingly reckless given that any accident would have catastrophic effects.

☢ EU backs plans to classify nukes and gas as clean power investments – though not without controversy One member of the European Parliament said it was a "dark day for the climate" while others, including Austria and Luxembourg, vowed to challenge it in the courts.
☢ What should you do if there’s a nuclear attack or accident? 90 second video by New York City Emergency Management
☢ Macron facing ‘Fukushima-style’ horror accident as EDF reactors crack force shutdown As a result of corrosion problems, 12 of France's reactors are shut down, which could also spell danger for the company's reactors in other countries.

☢ Fukushima fishermen worried about nuclear water release plan At the Fukushima site they are preparing to release over a million tonnes of tritiated (radioactive) water in to the Pacific Ocean. More details in this 37 min. video update by Dr. Caitlin Stronell

☢ Meltdown, fire, then a cover-up A 1959 partial meltdown at the Santa Susana Lab in California was covered up and never cleaned up. Then came the 2018 Woolsey wildfire, redistributing the long-neglected radioactive contamination, making an already bad situation get even worse.

☢ Public trust eroded: Longer 10-year licence for Pt. Lepreau nuclear reactor on the Bay of Fundy reduces Indigenous and community input

☢ A Conversation with Dr. Gordon Edwards: contemporary issues in the Canadian Nuclear Industry 




☢ We need a safer interim storage solution for Ontario’s Nuclear Wastes OPG is currently storing nuke wastes in conventional commercial storage buildings on the edge of our Great Lakes. Above-ground, attack-resistant, reinforced concrete vaults will provide much greater protection against deliberate attacks and greater radioactivity containment in the event of leaks, ruptures or other incidents.

☢ More climate pollution is not what Ontario needs Ontario is planning a huge increase in polluting gas power – from existing gas-fired plants as well as NEW gas plants, like Eastern Power’s proposed new 600-megawatt gas-fired power plant near Sarnia.
☢ Nuclear power station shut downs will leave Ontario relying on gas to generate electricity The switch to gas is absolutely the worst possible strategy; we need to reduce our GHG pollution, not increase it. We should instead be investing in lower cost options: energy efficiency, renewables, and Quebec water power and storage.

☢ Clean Air Alliance opposes hydrogen power project near Sarnia 96% of the world’s hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels which can result in even greater GHG pollution than from conventional gas-fired power plants. 



Renewables and Conservation

☼ New generation of electric vehicles can power tools, appliances and even your home And, in the event of extreme weather, your EV can keep you and your family warm and safe.

☼ Clean Energy 101: Heat Pumps Heat pumps are a cost-effective and climate-friendly solution for extreme heat waves and frigid winters.

☼ NRCan is now offering ten-year,  zero interest loans of up to $40,000 for the installation of heat pumps
☼ Renewables Global Status Report – numbers, facts and trends on renewables
☼ How To Get Your Home Off Natural Gas

☼ Green energy can be stored at 500 degrees for months in a Sand Battery 



Take Action

☢ Contact Premier Ford and Energy Minister Todd Smith and tell them that we need a safer interim storage option for OPG’s nuclear wastes: above-ground, attack-resistant, reinforced concrete vaults.

☢ Federal Action Needed to Stop Gas-Power Insanity Send a message to federal Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault and your MP asking them to enact a Clean Electricity Standard that prohibits the building of new gas-fired power plants.

☢ Say no to new nuclear in the GTA Tell Ontario's political leaders that you want investments in wind and solar energy, not a new GTA nuclear reactor.

☢ Tell Ottawa: no more funding for new nuclear reactors Tell federal Ministers to stop wasting our $ on polluting nuclear reactors.

☢ Reclaim Pickering’s waterfront Call for the immediate dismantling of the Pickering Nuclear Station after closure in 2024. Send a message to Ontario's Finance Minister and your MPP.

☢ The Day After – film screening and discussion Sat. Aug. 6, noon -3 p.m. ET. With speakers Dr. Gordon Edwards and Vicki Elson. Hosted by World Beyond War. The 1983 classic film postulates a fictional war between NATO forces and the Warsaw Pact countries that rapidly escalates into a full-scale nuclear exchange between the United States and the Soviet Union.



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