Greenspiration News & Events: Pathways to net-zero

Angela Bischoff - OCAA angela at
Mon Oct 2 10:04:41 EDT 2023


Naomi Klein: The right has put the left’s ideas in a bonkers blender

An interview with the author on her new book Doppelganger about our upside-down post-pandemic moment 




Trudeau warned of nuclear weapon risk over emerging small modular reactors

Energy experts are calling for a risk assessment of emerging nuclear technologies and warning PM Trudeau if a company in New Brunswick were to be successful, its product could be used by other countries to make bombs.


Fossil Fuel Companies Made Bold Promises to Capture Carbon (CCS). Here’s What Actually Happened.

A review of 12 large-scale projects reveals a litany of cost-overruns and missed targets, billions of dollars of costs to taxpayers in the form of subsidies -- with a net increase in emissions.


Greenpeace warns over safety of Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant

International regulators unable to properly monitor Russian-held site, says dossier sent to western leaders 


Why are SMRs a Dog’s Breakfast of Designs?

The Government of Canada appears to have accepted the "all options” argument. All proposed SMRs are essentially variations on older reactor designs that were tested decades ago and eventually abandoned.


Close the Loopholes in Canada's draft Clean Electricity Regulations

The federal government says it will achieve its climate targets in part by requiring a net zero-carbon electricity system across Canada by 2035. Unfortunately the draft regs contain dangerous loopholes that would allow ON (and other provinces) to continue burning more and more gas even past 2035. Send a message to Guilbeault and Singh here.


Grim prediction of Ontario’s climate change future should spur change

A new report warns that climate change will impact most aspects of life in the province, from food and agriculture to communities and the economy.  


Ontario gas plants were supposed to run only during peak periods. Instead they’re running most of the time, polluting the air you breathe

Despite wind and solar being the cheapest source of electricity in history, Ontario has opted to instead spend billions on new and expanded gas plants, and a new generation of nuclear plants.


Tell Parliament: We Need Accessible Housing NOW

The Accessible Housing Network is calling for the National Building Code to be changed to make Universal Design mandatory in all new apartments and condos, so anyone can live there, regardless of age or disability.


Talk Climate to Me!

We've got the climate course in Oct. you wish you'd had at school! Talk Climate to Me is a fun, free, unscary, online, team-based climate education experience for women in Canada. Join us!





Demoviction Day of Action 

Mon. Oct. 2, 4:45 p.m. ET

Meet at the Toronto sign at City Hall (Queen and Bay)

There are over 70 building applications in the City of Toronto to demolish dense purpose-built rental buildings to build luxury condominiums. March with Toronto ACORN at the No Demovictions Action. We're fighting the provincial government to STOP demovictions! (demolishing low income housing)






Nuclear Renaissance or Technology Geriatrics? Bridging the Gap between Perception and Industrial Reality

Tuesday, October 3, 4 - 5:15 pm ET

Contrary to public perception, the nuclear power industry continues its slow, decades-long decline. With Mycle Schneider, World Nuclear Industry Status Report.





We Won’t Be Pushed Out: Organizing against corporate housing development

Tues. Oct. 3, 7 p.m. ET

Tranzac Club, 292 Brunswick Ave, Toronto

Across Toronto, we have seen the damaging impact on housing as developments displace communities in the interest of profits. Organizations across the city are fighting back against these developments, making demands for social housing and placing people over profit. This event will bring together community members working with various organizations to unite in our shared 

struggle for the city. We will share the space to learn from each other so we can be empowered to win our fights collectively.





Child-Friendly and Playful Cities

Tues. Oct. 3, 11 a.m.

With Dr Sara Candiracci, ARUP, Milan, Italy 





Ontario is Burning!

Wed. Oct. 4, 7:30- 9 pm ET

Climate change is very real, right here and now. The direct, current effect on our health through extreme heat and poor air quality is adding a layer of urgency to addressing our dependence on fossil fuel. Through this panel, we will emphasize the immediate impact of climate change, address the urgent need to phase-out fossil fuels, the options available to us, the resistance to change, and policy issues we face. With panelists: Angela Bischoff, Ontario Clean Air Alliance, MPP Peter Tabuns, Julia Levin, Environmental Defence, Keith Brooks, Environmental Defence, and Dr. Mili Roy, CAPE.





Powering Ontario’s Future: Is Ontario’s Energy Plan designed for the 21st Century?

Wed. Oct. 4, 10 - 11:30 a.m. ET 

Yuill Herbert, Director of the Sustainability Solutions Group (SSG), a collective of Canada's leading sustainability professionals will walk us through Ontario’s plan for a clean electricity sector and the IESO’s Report Pathways to Decarbonization that informed the plan. We will see it is misguided. 





Pathways to Net Zero at York: The Role of Battery Storage Systems

Wed. Oct. 4, 12:30 - 2 p.m. ET

Join us for a discussion of a Feasibility Study on Battery Storage Systems at York University’s Keele campus, conducted through a collaboration between the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, and the Lassonde Faculty of Engineering. Could a Battery Storage System reduce York’s carbon Footprint, and what are the environmental and economic implications?





Intro to Non-Violent Direct Action - Greenpeace Style

Wed. Oct. 4, 7 p.m. EST

Via Zoom OR 33 Cecil Street, Toronto

Earyn Wheatley, Greenpeace Canada's Head of Actions, will chat about Non-Violent Direct Action (NVDA) and how Greenpeace uses it to make positive changes in the world. Non-violent direct action uses peaceful protest to demand social and political change. People have used direct action throughout history. We act to raise the level and quality of public debate. Above all, we act to provoke action from those with the power and responsibility to make change happen. Earyn will also discuss the practicalities of NVDA - the risk levels, different roles involved, making actions more inclusive, and Greenpeace's duty of care to our participants.





The Art of Wellness: Strategies to Maintain Your Mental Health

Fri. Oct. 6, 2 - 3 p.m. ET

In honor of Mental Illness Awareness Week, we are pleased to offer this interactive webinar hosted by suicidologist, Dr. Lisa Firestone, and featuring Kevin Hines, mental health advocate and suicide survivor. Whether you are struggling with your own mental health or are seeking to better understand and support someone living with a mental health diagnosis, this webinar aims to help you feel more empowered and less alone on your path. 





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Democracy Now Daily Show - global peace, justice and enviro news 





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