[Sust-mar] Mobius Awards of Environmental Excellence - Extended Nomination Deadline

Robert MacIntosh rmacintosh at rrfb.com
Fri Apr 20 13:54:23 EDT 2012

Have you been inspired by an individual or organization who has excelled at reducing waste? There's still time to nominate them for a 2012 Mobius Award of Environmental Excellence!
The nomination deadline has been extended to Friday, April 27.
Simply complete the nomination form (at http://mobius.rrfb.com) and submit it with a description (maximum 750 words) of why your nominee should receive a Mobius Award of Environmental Excellence, and email it to mobiusawards at rrfb.com. Photos and supporting evidence are welcome!
Nomination Categories:
* Business of the Year 
* Institution of the Year 
* Innovation In Waste Reduction 
* Waste Reduction Education Program 
* Individual Excellence in Waste Reduction 
* Region/Municipality/Authority of the Year 
* ENVIRO-DEPOT of the Year 
* School of the Year 
* Best Community-Based Project
Award recipients will be honoured at the awards banquet on June 5, 2012 at Pier 21 in Halifax. 
Thank you for taking the time to nominate and celebrate Nova Scotians who have made our province a leader in waste reduction!

The RRFB Nova Scotia Team

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