[Sust-mar] KEEP IT BLUE - Protecting Our Gulf from Oil Drilling, Tatamagouche and Mabou community events

Trudy Watts watts at tncweb.ca
Thu Sep 27 09:47:41 EDT 2012

Please Join Us for
Protecting Our Gulf from Oil Drilling
You are invited to attend this important community event about our Gulf of St. Lawrence.  Nova Scotia, particularly the North Shore, and western Cape Breton, is dependent on the Gulf for renewable jobs in tourism and the fishing industry.  As residents, the Gulf is central to our way of life.

To defend the Gulf, we need to collectively voice our opinions to our politicians, who do have the power to declare a moratorium on oil and gas exploration. This sends a powerful message to neighbouring provinces and to industry that drilling in the Gulf is not worth the risk

Come to this event to find out about this awe-inspiring ecosystem, what's at stake, and how you can help protect our Gulf.   Please take the time to share this with family, neighbours, coastal landowners, boaters, tourism operators, and people involved in fishing.    We ALL have a stake in protecting the Gulf including participating in upcoming Strategic Environmental Assessments.

Sunday, September 30
7:00 – 9:00 pm
225 Main St.

Tuesday.  October 2nd
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Mabou Hall (St. Mary's Parish Hall) Main St.

To find out more about the meetings, please contact: Gretchen Fitzgerald, gretchenf at sierraclub.ca / 902-444-3113

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