[Sust-mar] McNabs Island summer jobs

Cathy McCarthy cathymc at accesscable.net
Wed May 22 06:13:56 EDT 2013

Please post this unique summer job opportunity to help the Friends of McNabs Island! 

McNabs Island Summer Interpreters
The Friends of McNabs Island Society is hiring two university summer students again this year (35 hrs/week for 12 weeks) to start work in JUNE. The pay range is $12-14/hr depending on experience. These jobs are funded by Canada Summer Jobs which means they are restricted to students 30 years old or younger who are returning to school full time in the fall. 
The job duties are varied and would be suitable for students who love the outdoors and are from any of these disciplines including, environmental science, biology, horticulture, business, tourism, public relations, planning, recreation, education, graphic arts, history or archaeology. Both students must be good communicators, work well with children, and be able to work independently as a team. They must be willing to work weekends on McNabs Island. Some of the job duties include:

*providing guided tours for McNabs Island visitors including youth groups, 
*organizing island events, 
*doing island maintenance work such as garbage/recyclable cleanup, brush clearing, trail and Victorian Garden maintenance, 
*maintaining the composting toilet on the island, 
*promoting McNabs Island as an outdoor classroom and nature park, 
*marketing our Discover McNabs Island book and brochures/maps, 
*updating our brochures, website, Facebook and photo archives. 

Job posted until May 24 or until filled. Please send resume, cover letter and references in “WORD doc.” format to mcnabs at chebucto.ns.ca.

Catherine McCarthy
Friends of McNabs Island
mcnabs at chebucto.ns.ca

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