[Sust-mar] Community Sustainability Network hosts: "In Conversation with Local Businesses: Sustainable Products and Practices, Sustainable Economy"

Marion Moore marionm12 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 6 18:15:26 EST 2014

The Bridgewater and area Community Sustainability Network presents: "In
Conversation with Local Businesses: Sustainable Products & Practices,
Sustainable Economy". On Tuesday, November 18, we will be having in-depth
conversations with a large, a medium, and a small local business to find
out what sustainability means to them, and how all businesses in the area
can contribute towards a greener, more self-supportive local economy:

*• Jim Drescher - Windhorse Farm • Lynn Hennigar - Lighthouse Media Group •
Reno Roy - Michelin North America (Canada) *These presentations and the
discussion following will be moderated by the Bridgewater Area Chamber of
Commerce, and will be of interest both to businesses as well as community
members who would like more perspective on how the business community is
contributing toward sustainability.

The presentations will take place in *Room C112A at the NSCC Lunenburg
Campus in* *Bridgewater from 6:30 to 7:30PM* and be followed by a regular
meeting of the Community Sustainability Network. At this meeting we will be
focusing on the discussion: "How can the CSN better serve business members
in promoting sustainability or working toward sustainable communities?"

*Please join us for this interesting and worthwhile evening! Light
refreshments will be served. Non-CSN members warmly welcomed.*

*Nova Scotia Community College Lunenburg Campus: Room C112A*\

*75 High Street, Bridgewater*

*Tuesday, November 18th, 6:30pm.*

*For more information: www.sustainablebridgewater.ca
<http://www.sustainablebridgewater.ca> or (902) 541-4390*
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