<div>Greetings,</div> <div> </div> <div> You are cordially invited to take part in the founding convention of the Green</div> <div> Party of Nova Scotia. The Green Party of Nova Scotia is a new provincial</div> <div> political party interested in providing a voice to those with Green values at</div> <div> election time and between elections thereby aiding the development of</div> <div> environmental and social prosperity in Nova Scotia. The founding convention</div> <div> will provide prospective party members the opportunity to shape and adopt the</div> <div> party's constitution, decide on adoption of the Global Green Charter,</div> <div> determine the GPNS' relationship with the Green Party of Canada, vote on a</div> <div> party logo, and elect the first GPNS Leader and Executive Officers.</div> <div> </div> <div> CONVENTION DETAILS:</div> <div> The conve
will be held on Saturday March 4th and Sunday March 5th 2006 at</div> <div> the Mi'qmak (Micmac) Native Friendship Center, 2151 Gottingen Street,</div> <div> Halifax, NS. The convention is being organized by co-chairs Chris Alders</div> <div> (chrisalders@inscapepublications.com, [902] 678-0326) and Lisa Budney</div> <div> (lbudney@dal.ca [902] 431-9448), and registration coordinator Jen Legere</div> <div> (greenjenlegere@hotmail.com). The fee for the convention is to recover the</div> <div> costs associated with the convention and help defray travel costs of those</div> <div> traveling a distance to attend the convention should there be money left to do</div> <div> so. If you feel you cannot afford to attend the convention for financial</div> <div> reasons, please contact Chris, Lisa or Jen and we can attempt to make</div> <div> arrangements so you can attend the convention.
prefer if people</div> <div> registered prior to the convention so we can provide the caterers with the</div> <div> appropriate numbers and set up the room to accommodate everyone. A file</div> <div> containing the registration form can be found in the Files section of this yahoo </div> <div>group.</div> <div> </div> <div> LEADERSHIP RACE GUIDELINES:</div> <div> The election of the first leader of the GPNS will be a main event at convention.</div> <div> The leadership race guidelines follow this invitation.</div> <div> </div> <div> IF YOU ASPIRE TO BE LEADER OR AN EXECUTIVE OFFICER:</div> <div> If you're thinking about running for leader or an executive officer position</div> <div> please bring a short (1 page max.) biography to post during the convention..</div> <div> </div> <div> CONVENTION COMFORTS:</div> <div> As a way of endeavouring to ke
ep the
cost of attending the convention low for</div> <div> attendees, we encourage people living in the HRM to open their homes and billet</div> <div> convention attendees. We are negotiating with hotels in the area for reduced</div> <div> rates for the convention weekend. The convention will provide snacks, lunch and</div> <div> beverage services to convention registrants on Saturday and Sunday.</div> <div> </div> <div> WE NEED YOUR HELP:</div> <div> There are many ways you can help make the GPNS a successful political party. You</div> <div> can attend the convention. You can forward this message on to people that may</div> <div> be interested in being GPNS members. You can join the contact list and be kept</div> <div> up to date with future opportunities to be involved with the party even if you</div> <div> can't attend the convention. You can make a donation of time or money
the</div> <div> convention. Please contact Chris, Lisa or Jen if you would like to be a</div> <div> convention volunteer.</div> <div> </div> <div> UNDECIDED?:</div> <div> If you're undecided about attending the convention please contact Lisa</div> <div> (lbudney@dal.ca) to be added to an email list so you can be kept up to date on</div> <div> the latest information about the convention. If you have any questions about</div> <div> the convention please contact Lisa, Chris or Jen.</div> <div> </div> <div> Sincerely,</div> <div> Lisa Budney and Chris Alders</div> <div> (Co-chairs of the Founding Convention of the Green Party of Nova Scotia) </div> <div>**************************************************************************************</div> <p>
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