Kaethe Y. kaethe at caea.com
Mon Feb 25 14:55:03 EST 2002



Theatre Gargantua is a dynamic, professional Toronto based company,
committed to the development and performance of imagistic, physical music
theatre.  Our company has been offering impassioned, compelling and original
theatrical experiences since founded in 1992.
Hot on the heels of a successful U.K. tour, we are currently producing the
Canadian premiere of our fifth cycle of work, Phantom Limb, which will begin
rehearsals on April 25,2002.

C  U  R  R  E  N  T  L  Y    S  E  A  R  C  H  I  N  G    F  O  R   A  STAGE

The candidate should have a very strong interest in creating original,
innovative theatre and be available beginning March 18 through May 3, 2002
with the potential for a contract extension. The candidate should have
excellent organizational skills. Previous experience in theatre is a must.
Technical experience and Drivers License are assets.
Please Fax or e-mail resume and cover letter

Chris Teeter, General Manager
Theatre Gargantua
24 Ryerson Ave, Suite 210
Toronto, Ontario
M5T 2P3
Fax 416-504-4203
Submission Deadline: March 7, 2002

Website - www.theatregargantua.ca
e-mail - info at theatregargantua.ca
T H E A T R E   G A R G A N T U A   I S   A N   E Q U A L   O P P O R T U N
I T Y    E M P LO Y E R

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