Kaethe Yanovsky kaethe at caea.com
Wed Jan 22 14:34:04 EST 2003


Call for Auditions

Twelfth Night: The Coming of a Nu Don

Produced by Equity Showcase Theatre
A 3-day Music Workshop February 27th, 28th and March 1st.
Two presentations: February 28th at 2:00 pm, and March 1st 8:00 pm

Deadline for Submissions: January 27th @ 4pm.
New Audition Date: January 31st.

This contemporary rendition of Twelfth Night: The Coming of a Nu Don is
a specially crafted mould of old and new, literature and hip-hop
performance and urban culture, written and directed by L. Dean Ifill. In
collaboration with Toronto Music Week...A NEW AND EXCITING SHOW WITH

Please prepare:
1. 2 Monologues
1 Classic
1 Contemporary

2. 1 song-contemporary must be rock, R&B, rap, or hip-hop.

New Addition:
Feste:  The most insightful character in the piece Feste still remains
playful and humble. He is treated like a fool, but is the only one who
sees and understands everything that it truly happening.  He doesn't try
to stop it though; he feels these events must happen in order for the
land of Illyria to be the Utopia it's striving to be. Feste spends his
time with Rasta's and people of honest living who don't put money first.
He's the premiere artist in Illyria and on the Duke's label.   Putting
himself in the position as the messenger of clarity his music and his
poetry are his avenues of communication with the masses.

(20-30 female)
Viola paints us this picture of herself being innocent, but she is not
as naive as she first appears.   At times she shows us her true age when
in the presence of the Duke.  She's like a teenager of today, when in
the presence of any urban male icon she gets weak in the knees.

(30-35 female)
Olivia is a countess who is in mourning for her brother.  Olivia's
consumed by her mourning, and has lost touch with reality....refusing to
see anyone, however,   her mourning is quickly forgotten when she meets
Cesario (Viola).  From that moment on every move that she makes is made
with unconscious sensuality.

Equity Showcase Theatre:
651 Dufferin St.
Toronto, ON M6P 2S4
Office Hours:
Thurs 10-5pm
Fri 10-4pm

Equity members will be seen first at all open audition calls. Equity
cast in this production will be engaged under an Equity form of
CAEA members: please bring your membership card to the audition.
Please direct all responses and inquiries directly to the theatre or
association listed in the e-drive notice. 

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