Kaethe Yanovsky kaethe at caea.com
Fri May 2 12:23:05 EDT 2003


Audition Notice

Actors needed for Toronto Fringe Festival play Zen and the Art of
Experiencing Theatre

Rehearsals during months of May and June (evenings and weekends)

Performances (7/8) July 2 to 13th, 2003 (afternoon and evening shows)

Ensemble piece with large cast
Experimental physical theatre with little dialogue (some gibberish)
Clowning, mime, interactive experience very helpful

Any gender, race, age, persuasion, species

Non-Union or Equity
Profit share (not much money)

Auditions T.B.A. first week of May
Required: one comedic monologue and/or physical piece, and some group
interaction exercises

Please send C.V. and photo to: 

kwan at kwanfilms.com
Kwantum Physics
355 Grace St.
Toronto, Ont
M6G 3A8

Contact / Questions:
director- Kwan Ho Tse

Please direct all responses and inquiries directly to the theatre or
association listed in the e-drive notice. 

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