Kaethe Yanovsky kaethe at caea.com
Thu May 8 13:05:04 EDT 2003


Are you funny? Can you do credible accents? One male actor, character
range 30's to early 40's, with great comedic skills, who can play a
range of parts--including a sharp-tongued queen from the East End of
Montreal, and a kindly Irish priest--is required for the Erotic Curve
Co-op  production of The Erotic Curve of the Earth. This two-hander is
to be performed at the Odyssey nightclub as a BYOV. The show goes into
rehearsal August 11, 2003, and opens on September 4. 

Could you please send resumes and headshots to:

Conrad Alexandrowicz
Erotic Curve Co-op 
#1004-1250 Bute Street
Vancouver, BC. V6E 1Z9.

You will be contacted for an interview/audition. Thanks!

Please direct all responses and inquiries directly to the theatre or
association listed in the e-drive notice. 

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