CAEA e-drive caea-l at list.web.net
Thu Jun 18 17:12:42 EDT 2009

Presented by Canadian Actors' Equity Association in association with the Magnetic North Theatre Festival to be held in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario June 9 - 19, 2010.

The 2010 Masterclass is open to both mid-career directors and established theatre artists making a transition to directing. There will be 16 participants, with no auditors. The Masterclass is open to Equity members in good standing only. 

Participants in the 10-day workshop will be led and mentored by National Arts Centre Artistic Director Peter Hinton who will guide the nine days of instruction, including a three-day session led by a senior Canadian director and a second three-day session with an acclaimed International director.

The directing sessions will be augmented with a special workshop featuring a professional lighting designer examining the development of an effective and creative relationship between theatre direction and lighting design. 

A selection committee, headed by the director mentor Peter Hinton together with representatives from Equity and the Magnetic North Festival, will adjudicate the applications. Strong preference will be given to applicants with professional directing experience. Successful applicants will be representative of the diverse Canadian population and reflect a diversity of regional representation within Equity's membership. Members who have participated in a previous Equity Directors Masterclass are eligible to apply again in 2010.

The Masterclass application and travel and accommodation subsidy forms are available on EQUITYONLINE at http://www.caea.com. The application deadline is November 15, 2009. 

Each participant's tuition is subsidized as part of the Association's professional development funding mandate to support high-quality professional development opportunities available to Equity members. Participants will also be provided with artists' passes to 2010 Magnetic North Theatre Festival events.

Cost for the 10 day Masterclass to Equity Members in good standing is $750. Additionally applicants are encouraged to apply for a travel subsidy of up to $600 (relative to the artist's place of residence and travel distance) and a $250 expense allowance (see subsidy form).

Please contact Masterclass Coordinator Kathryn MacKay at masterclass at caea.com with any questions, or call Lynn McQueen, Communications Director, at the phone numbers provided below.
Canadian Actors' Equity Association
44 Victoria Street, 12th floor
Toronto, ON  M5C 3C4
tel: 416-867-9165
members only: 1-800-387-1856
fax: 416-867-9246
communications at caea.com

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