[CANUFNET] Road Salt Study

Andy Kenney a.kenney at utoronto.ca
Tue Oct 23 09:21:48 EDT 2007

Hi Folks:


Martha Barwinsky at the city of Winnipeg has an interesting study on the go
and she has asked you to provide her with contact names at your
municipality.  It would be better if you could send that information
directly to Martha rather than to the list (i.e. don't hit reply). 


MBarwinsky at winnipeg.ca


Cheers and thanks,




W. Andy Kenney  Ph.D.  R.P.F.

Senior Lecturer

Urban and Community Forestry

Faculty of Forestry

University of Toronto

33 Willcocks Street

Toronto ON  M5S 3B3


Tel: (416) 978-0474

Fax:(416) 978-3834

a.kenney at utoronto.ca


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