[CANUFNET] Wood Waste Utilization RFP

Asmundson, Karen kasmundson at winnipeg.ca
Wed Feb 20 09:31:23 EST 2008

Hi everyone,


I'm writing an RFP (Request for Proposal) that will be used to select a
private company to process and sell our urban timber (mostly American
elm).  It will be great to have all this great wood salvaged from the
landfill.  The idea is that the company that receives the award will not
necessarily have to bid the best price on the wood or even any price on
the wood at all - they will primarily be judged on the conciseness and
feasibility of their product idea and marketing plan.  We will be open
to all kinds of products - from hog fuel to furniture and anything in
between.  Has anyone ever heard of this kind of arrangement happening in
another city?  Does anyone have a copy of a similar RFP that I could use
as a template or know where I might find one or who I might ask?


Thanks very much!


Karen Asmundson

City of Winnipeg Urban Forestry Branch

(204) 986-4248

kasmundson at winnipeg.ca



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